Video for International Environment Day: "Take care of the water"

June 5 is declared by the UN International Environment Day and every year some important issue is highlighted in this regard. This year he wants to make visible the problems that global warming is causing on the population of the islands and I found this animation video interesting to see with the children.

Turn off the tap to not waste water, be responsible for the energy we spend when turning on the heating or air conditioning, recycle ... are some of the gestures that help make the Earth a better place.

In the video, prepared by Algarabía Animation, the original music is composed by Gastón Rodríguez and the protagonist who lives on an island that suffers the consequences of mistreatment of the environment is the cat "Micho Pocho" a character of the illustrator Lucía Gómez "Neko ".

A simple and attractive way to promote good habits that respect the environment, responsible consumption and recycling, something that our children already learn from an early age.

In addition to seeing the video for International Environment Day We remind you of many other ways to celebrate this day with your children (or with your students, or with your siblings ...) And yes, let it be a work every day of the year ...

Video | Youtube
More information | UNEP
In Babies and more | Decalogue for children who care for the environment, Stories about the environment