4th grade students participate in the 2014 Junior First Lego League

Although in the 2014 edition my daughter has not participated we have gone to see the kids who have worked this year in the Junior First Lego League. On March 8 we have been in the Camilo José Cela University to see the students and to know the four projects presented. What we like most about the challenge of the Junior First Lego League is how kids start to develop skills and knowledge with the programmingbasically Scratch, with the robotics, using sensors and also the Lego pieces They use to build and enrich the scenario in which they develop the project.

This edition was about carrying out a project that developed ideas about natural disasters and although other designs can be seen below, one includes a volcano and an earthquake, in which we stopped further it was in which the students led by Mercedes Bernal, who works in the school as ICT Coordinator and has done an extraordinary job with the children.

In the model of the image that illustrates the article they used up to three USB ports that connected to the computer allowed to control a VAC, catastrophe vehicle (in the picture), a satelite and a drone, unmanned vehicle. The operation, which they explained among all the students by testing their communication skills, consisted of a detection of the catastrophe in the forest by the satellite, a ground management by the VAC and an accurate diagnosis with the drone, which, as they explained, It does not need crew allowing precise work without risk to people.

In the images that illustrate the article you can see the designs made by the students and that, once connected to the computer through the USB ports they had interactivity enriching the stage and especially telling a story created and shared by everyone.

We congratulate Lego for the initiative that seems exemplary and that on the game model of the bricks have built a learning ecosystem that will continue to evolve and provide many satisfactions to teachers and students. It is a great opportunity to strengthen children's abilities to solve problems, work in teams, enhance oral presentations and apply knowledge learned in a short time.

In Peques and More | The students of 4th Primary participate in the Junior First Lego League 2013, The Junior FIRST LEGO League is a challenge aimed at kids to promote interest in science and technology

Video: Emma Dumont & Junior FIRST LEGO League (July 2024).