What to do if they insult your child

It has happened to all of us, sometime, to meet people who verbally assault us sometimes for no reason. But, if we talk about this referred to our children when they receive an insult The issue is complex and it is important to help them deal with it.

One thing is that, in an anger or a tense moment, a friend tell you a rude word. Do not minimize the insult but go to the child's reference adult to discuss the problem so that he can teach him to solve his conflicts in another way.

But there are more delicate situations, those that more than for a momentary anger, are produced by a clear rejection for reasons such as physical appearance, race or any other characteristic of our son. When children suffer this kind of verbal violence, even if only once, our attitude will be very important so that they can overcome the damage they have received.

First, we must demonstrate by example and explain that to insult insulting is no solution. It does not mean that they must remain immutable in the face of verbal aggression, they can respond clearly by indicating that they do not like to be spoken in that way and, if the action persists, they should ask the adult caregiver for help and move away from the aggressor. I am not in favor of forcing the children to continue as if nothing happens or to "make friends" with those who consciously harm them.

If the other child violently rejects them and insults them because of their physical appearance, their skin color, their way of expressing themselves or their surroundings, we must legitimize our child's negative feelingsDo not minimize the feeling bad for being insulted.

It is not necessary to "remove iron" from the matter, but to make them understand that they have every right not to want to be added, to set clear limits and demand respect, and also, to feel sad and angry about an unmotivated aggression and sometimes , cruel. Then, of course, you have to Look for solutions and try to channel the relationship with the other child if it is someone they are forced to treat regularly, but never taking away the importance of a harmful act, which, for a child, is as serious as if it were an adult who receives it.

If they insult your son What you will need most is that we assure you that the other has acted badly, that you do not deserve to be attacked and that you have the right to feel bad about it.