Babies highlights and more: from January 9 to 15

Like every start of the week, it's time to review the most outstanding contents we have published in Babies and more during the last days.

In our Special on infant feeding We have begun to offer a series of examples of weekly menu for children. We have started with the youngest since they started with complementary feeding, from 6 to 9 months and we have continued with the weekly menu for babies from 9 to 12 months. Do not be confused, because this week we will take care of the children of 1 and 2 years, and so we will continue to the oldest.

With the last Christmas blows, we have seen how they have changed the day of Kings in just 30 years and how it is time to order toys at home we have advised what to do with toys that children no longer use.

Changing completely from third, through a review of studies on the subject, we analyzed why the pacifier would reduce the risk of sudden infant death, a use that would seem to protect the baby from this terrible syndrome.

We have talked about something that seems incredible to us as to continue recommending not giving importance to the vomiting of children who do not want to sleep, and also of a controversial study that suggests that breastfed babies cry more.

We continue with controversial practices talking about the hourglass stool or the chair of torture, a way of punishing children that is not effective and only manages to humiliate children without really modifying inappropriate behavior.

Another tricky issue is non-vaccination. Given the low vaccination cases of measles in children have increased, which is why pediatricians recommend advancing the measles vaccine in infants. Also regarding vaccination we have cleared one of the parents' most common doubts: can I bathe my child if he is sick or has been vaccinated?

Continuing with our series on Language Development in the child, we have taken care of the child from one to two years explaining how little by little he is developing new skills with which to adapt to the world around him.

We have also talked about a controversial test made with dolls shows that children prefer white to black baby and we have commented that "Weightless", they say, is the most relaxing song in the world, more effective than a massage or an infusion.

For future moms, we gave fifteen tips to control dizziness and nausea during pregnancy, two of the typical discomforts of the first trimester of pregnancy, although in some cases they can last longer.

We have shown an exciting video by the Public School, dedicated to teachers claiming the public education that is so discredited lately.

Finally, we have asked ourselves a transcendent question: Why is it so difficult sometimes to educate our children (I), of which there is also part two and another very interesting: what would Disney princesses be like if they were flesh and blood? Have you ever considered it?

So far, we have summarized Last week's highlights on Babies and more. This week, many more things.

Video: Team Highlights - Pistons vs. Lakers - January 9, 2019 (July 2024).