A politician proposes that children work in schools

Can you imagine that disadvantaged children work in their own schools? Perform maintenance work in "spare time" or "overtime"? This is what has happened to the Republican candidate for president of the United States, Newt Gingrich.

When we fight for the rights of children claiming a dignified childhood it seems that we are talking about distant or past problems. But even in the most powerful country in the world and through the influence of influential characters, we have to listen to unprecedented statements that make us doubt whether the progress made in recent times is well established.

Newt Gingrich has been a favorite in Republican primary polls, a few days after advocating that disadvantaged children over 9 can work temporarily.

It was during a conference at Harvard University that he pointed out that child labor laws "are stupid" and that Children of disadvantaged families should be able to work part-time in their schools.

Gingrich argued that many successful people "started their first jobs between the ages of 9 and 14. In their opinion, schools with disadvantaged children should get rid of syndicated maintenance employees, have a responsible person and pay local students to maintain the school.

The truth is that the idea of ​​saving some jobs for people who surely depend on them to offer it to children (who, in this model, would charge less as expected) seems surreal. However much children may be, what they most need is not to work precisely. It occurs to me that the job would be much better for his family unemployed to try to get out of a situation of poverty.

Precisely education is a measure to combat child labor, and we hope that the politician has not said that these "jobs" would detract hours of training the child.

Anyway, we hope that these unusual declarations simply remain (which is already enough) in that and do not occur to politicians, as if it were another measure against the crisis, put children to work in schools or anywhere else, be they rich or poor.

Video: First-Of-Its-Kind Bully Law Proposed in Florida (July 2024).