The debate about school uniforms in Catalonia is reopened

That children have to wear a uniform in school is no longer just a matter of private schools. For a while now, there are more and more schools that bet on the use of the school uniform.

The Minister of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya has reopened a debate that had long been parked: if the uniform should return to the schools and if some rules should be set so that there is a more homogeneous dress among the students.

The counselor, Irene Rigau, has urged the school councils of each center to reflect on dress. It seems that in Catalonia the school uniform is now a minority and practically exclusive of private schools.

And apparently in certain students there is an obsession with fashion that goes beyond What should i wear Sometimes some students compete with others depending on the clothes they wear.

Rigau proposes that each school debate the matter, but it does so from his vision in favor of the uniform, which he considers as a more practical way of dressing, more egalitarian, because sometimes the differences between the students for their clothes are very evident.

Punishment or relief for students?

We leave paternal motivations parked at the moment and move on to what children (and young people have to say), I fear that the more they grow, the more they will be) in this matter.

  • The first thing I think about this news is that probably those students who compete for their clothes, for their brands or for wearing the most expensive shoes last model only repeat patterns, behaviors, attitudes they have seen in their home. They do not appreciate the value of people for what they are (or themselves), but for what they have. For them, putting on a uniform is a kind of punishment.
  • For those other children and young people who do not give importance to clothing but who like to wear what they want at all times, according to the planned activities or according to the weather, according to their favorite colors and style, putting on a uniform will also be a punishment. Although they know that the value of people is not in what they put on.
  • On the opposite side, there are those students who wear what they have, what they can, probably worn clothes that have inherited several brothers or cousins, and probably having a bad time at some point because there are those other colleagues who compete in something that would be impossible for them. For them, surely the uniform is a relief.

Our choice at school

I wouldn't have thought about it a few years ago, but my position in this debate uniforms yes-uniforms no It has had to be defined a few months ago.

My oldest daughter has started this course in a public school in which the possibility is offered for students to go in uniform or not. My daughter does not wear a uniform. I don't like splint skirts (and the iron is not my friend), although they wouldn't look much either because they wear babi on their clothes. The days they do psychomotor skills go in sportswear, the rest of the days they wear daily clothes.

We bought a babi with the school shield. The rest (cheaper), the same color but with different ornaments. My daughter has no idea that there are children who dress differently, she doesn't know what clothes cost. He has the friends he wants, regardless of "the wrapper." He has a good time with them, whether they wear a uniform or not, whatever color they are, talk as they speak. Choose the socks for the drawings of your favorite characters, and often also the rest of the clothes among the various options that we give.

Surely all children his age are like that. I hope everyone stays that way, for many years ... although some maternal or paternal "mini-competitions" at the door of the school make me suspect that it will not be so.

I do not know what will happen in other houses, and in our insurance we have many defects, but people are valued for what they are, not for how they dress, and this I try to move very firmly to my classes as soon as I observe some type of discrimination or competence of this type. My experience in class with children who would be in the third group that I have commented above, that of those who wear what they can, has taught me a lot.

The way we dress at home seems as practical and comfortable as the uniform may seem to others. Nor do I spend more money. And, after all, isn't it the same as “uniform” that forces you to wear work with heels or tie? Comfort is very relative, no doubt. By the way, how lucky I am to be able to dress as I want for my work.

Anyway, the best thing for me is uniform without uniform, in the sense that we are all the same and if I am different from you and I stand out (or not) it is not for my money, my clothes or my car but for doing what I like and makes me happy. Although that is complicated and not precisely an issue in which the school is the main responsible.

But for that it reopens the school uniform debate, to reflect on it and give our opinion. Another thing is that we reach an agreement ...

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