Acupuncture may not relieve pain during childbirth

We already talked about a study that seemed to demonstrate the effectiveness of acupuncture during labor, reducing the need for anesthesia, and it is not the only research with similar results. But nevertheless, A review of studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving labor pain It seems to indicate that this would not be effective.

In trying to establish the efficacy of the treatment, researchers from South Korea and the United Kingdom examined data from 10 clinical trials involving 2,038 women.

In this review they found little evidence that women who underwent acupuncture experienced less pain in labor than those who did not receive any relief, took a conventional analgesic or practiced placebo acupuncture.

The review has been published in "BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology" with the title of "Acupuncture may not help relief birth pains". It was carried out by experts from the Acupuncture and Meridian Science Research Center of Kyung Hee University in Seoul.

Recall that acupuncture has been used as a form of millenary anesthesia in China and experts believe that it can eliminate obstructions in the circulation and alleviate other ailments, although in the case of childbirth it may not be effective as it appears from this review.

As for other non-pharmacological methods that do prove to be more effective, we have the freedom of movement or the use of dilatation balls.

In the conclusions of the study we discussed today, acupuncture was also not associated with any adverse effects. However, the director of the investigation points out that currently there is not enough evidence to recommend the use of acupuncture to relieve labor pain.

Video: The 11 best natural pain relief methods for labour and child birth (July 2024).