Breastfeeding saves us 600 euros a year

In addition to being safe, comfortable and beneficial for mother and baby, breastfeeding is also economical.

The Cecu (Confederation of Consumers and Users) has put a figure in savings that is equivalent to breastfeeding the baby during its first year of life. Mothers who can and want to breastfeed their children 600 euros can be saved per year.

If we make calculations, the figure means an expense of 50 euros per month in cans of artificial milk specially formulated for the newborn. An average of 16.66 euros per can at 3 cans per month.

Although it is not the most important, the economic aspect is a good reason to try breastfeeding since the expenses of the first years of a child are not few, both in food and in diapers, clothing, childcare articles and not even talking If it is the first and we have to buy everything new or change the family car.

The World Alliance for Breastfeeding (WABA) points out that it is necessary to raise public awareness of the economic value of breastfeeding.

Although it may not seem like breastfeeding we are saving. It is an economic act because the product does not need to be manufactured, packaged, or transported.

It is a direct food from the manufacturer to the consumer. Natural, without intermediaries, at the ideal temperature, available at all times and also free.

Economic savings is another argument, and nothing negligible in these times of crisis, to opt for breastfeeding as long as possible.

We will benefit our baby, ourselves and also our pocket.

Video: Fastest Way People Turned $1 Into $1 Million? (July 2024).