Your baby moves in your belly

Before you can tell, your baby already moves inside you, he touches his face, he does pirouettes, he moves his little legs ... he doesn't stop moving! Their movement patterns develop between the seventh week and the fifteenth, from there it will perfect them.

According to Dr. Cabañas, from La Paz Hospital in Madrid, the space available to the child is enlarged according to his needs, although there comes a time when the placenta and the uterus can no longer grow. That is when his birth is near.

Between the fourth and fifth month, you notice that something is moving inside you, is the magical moment when for the first time you perceive your son moving in your gut. To recognize that it is about him, you must notice that the movements are not rhythmic, you will notice them very slightly at first, but as the weeks go by they will be more energetic. It is normal to perceive your movements when you are relaxed and with more intensity when you go to sleep. It is also usual to move more in the afternoon and when you have eaten.

Do you want a trick to feel it? Take something sweet, since the glucose supply will stimulate your movements. My midwife told me this, and although I did not abuse it, it worked.

After the sixth month you will be able to distinguish what movements you are doing, if you perceive a firm and wide part it can be your back, your head and your culete are almost the same size and you will distinguish it by its roundness.

Near the end of pregnancy, you can notice the strength in their little arms and little legs, you will even recognize them visually, because sometimes they create reliefs in your belly.

Although sometimes your kicks are annoying, think that these movements are symptoms of fetal wellbeing and there will come a time when you will perceive their movements several times a day.

Remember that external influences also stimulate the baby's movements, for example, talking, singing or caressing your belly. If it corresponds to you with movements, it may be a reflex act or perhaps it is responding to your stimulus.

Video: Baby Moving Fetus Movement in Belly, Womb, Week by Week - awesome feelings in the world (July 2024).