How two twins look in the belly and how babies are born on an MRI

Surely many of you have seen the National Geographic documentary "In the womb." It is already a few years old but at the time it was revolutionary because thanks to 3D animations and the use of 4D ultrasounds you can see very exactly what is happening inside the belly of a pregnant woman.

In reality, many of the things that happen are assumptions, images that are recreated as a result of the ultrasound studies that are done to babies, both the usual ones in 2D and the most modern ones in 4D. But it has always been especially interesting to study what happens in there and how the baby grows and develops.

Another of the possible sources of information is magnetic resonance imaging, although it is not a very comfortable system and until the subject does not evolve a little, I do not think it is used much to study pregnancies and births. Despite this, this video runs online that shows us different moments of daily life through a resonance: the heart beating, a German and a Chinese speaking, a couple having sex, a baby in his mother's belly, two twins in the same situation and a fourth baby being born, among other things.

I know it is not much, just a few seconds, and the reason is that, as I say, it is not a comfortable test to do because, for it to look good, the person must be still. Yes it is true that to record a birth for the first time they achieved a technology that allowed movement, but at the moment there are not many images that are published on the network with this system.

But those few seconds are enough to drop something like a "Wow." It has made me especially funny the sequence of the two twin babies in which one of them lives in there like a king and the other, poor little one, lives hunched over, without space, and moving between kicks and kicks achieves another cubic centimeter of living space. Luckily, I found a little more extensive video of that moment, I leave it below:

By the way, if you are wondering how harmful the tests can be for babies, tell them that a nuclear magnetic resonance is not done with X-rays, but is done using radio waves and a powerful magnet. Over the past 30 years they have often been performed to pregnant women and to date no side effects have been found in babies, as explained in Radiolofy Info.

Video: Identical Twins Are Spotted 'Fighting' In Their Mother's Womb - 2019 (July 2024).