A good breakfast, essential to go to school

Sometimes it costs a lot, a lot, for breakfast early. They are more worried about sleep than they have to take energy. But it is essential that children have breakfast every day, especially if an intense day awaits them later.

Not having a good breakfast before going to school impairs children's school performance and favors childhood obesity. On the contrary, having breakfast properly favors concentration, memory and ultimately better brain function. What do you prefer for your children?

And although "school performance" at an early age sounds inappropriate, since children are not supposed to "get good grades", but to learn while having fun, there is the key: Learning also depends on the physical conditions in which the child is And not just emotional.

At the same time, if the little one has made a full breakfast, the body behaves in a more efficient way, so that they do not lack energy to play, play sports ... and in this way they do not accumulate fat and be fit .

According to data from the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN) between 20 and 40 percent of children go to school without breakfast although it must be one of the main meals of the day, and more than 50% do not A good breakfast.

We have to be aware that what children see is what they do. The family's eating habits will greatly influence how the child will feed. That is, if parents have a good breakfast, whenever possible with them, devoting enough time to this important meal, we will be preparing the way for the little ones to have a good breakfast.

Therefore, among the advice we offered to readjust schedules after the holidays and to return to school, is to devote enough time to breakfast, waking up a little earlier if necessary (and it will be if the child has trouble having breakfast regularly , it is very slow… ).

Sometimes for convenience or in a hurry we shorten breakfast or introduce food whose frequent intake is not recommended (industrial pastries, sugary juices ...). And if this happens as a routine, we are favoring poor performance and health risks.

Thus It is important that children eat breakfast well before going to school. And that we have a lot of patience, because this is not always easy ...

Video: Choosing A Healthy Breakfast (July 2024).