The letter from a pregnant New Zealand teenager who becomes a life lesson

Georgia Hageman doesn't have much to see her baby's face, since at the end of June she was 35 weeks. The boy's name is Mason, and he was in a hurry to be born, judging by the labor contractions that motivated his mother's admission at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

But this is not the only complication that this mother has suffered, since before the birth of Mason, she has broken up with her boyfriend, and she is also in a quite vulnerable situation, and that is He is only 15 years old. Of course, it is seen that she is a strong woman who also has the unconditional support of her parents (the baby's grandparents), so she feels lucky, since other girls in her situation are much more alone.

Now he also receives help from a specialized support service in New Zealand, which serves young mothers and provides the necessary resources to continue studying

Recently it has been known the content of a public letter written by Georgia in which he demonstrates an immense love for the life he has inside, and denotes a profound transformation in the interests that would correspond to someone so young.

The first paragraph tells how sometimes when you look in the mirror you would like to see the body of a normal teenager, without wearing clothes two sizes larger, without having dark circles due to lack of sleep or swollen face and constantly suffering from nausea.

However, when our protagonist overcomes the prejudices and compassion of others, the expressions of disapproval and the comments behind him ... That's when states that he will live for MasonWhen he needs to be changed, to be hugged or eaten, he will be in his first football game, and when he gets a certificate for standing out in life. Because she is her mother and it doesn't matter how old she is.

I am left with a final message: “The next time you want to judge someone in a situation like mine, think that the other person already knows that your life will never be the same”, “but what you need is encouragement to trust Her future".

And it does not matter what place in the Western world we talk about, in general not only is the prevention of teenage pregnancies a pending task, but society still does not know how to integrate pregnant teenagers.

And in this sense the letter from Georgia can serve as a stimulus for other girls that are in a similar situation.

I have read this girl tell that for her family, her pregnancy has been like a huge roller coaster of emotions, and about to be born the new member can be said to have successfully completed the summit.

Video: What Every Parent Needs to Know. Jordan Peterson (July 2024).