Nisa Hospitals expand the coverage of their pediatric telemedicine service: now also in Children's Camps

Nisa Hospitals has a pediatric telemedicine service called Medibaby, which has recently expanded its offer outside the school environment, to respond to the need to care for sick children in camps, neighborhoods or sports campuses.

Attention to health problems when children spend a few days away from home is one of the parents' concerns, and can be a stressful and uncertain situation for camp managers and monitors.

When Medibaby was presented at the Nisa Pardo Hospital in Aravaca (Madrid) a little over two years ago, there were 22 nursery schools that had adhered to the provision of the service, which through a mobile unit allows videoconferencing with the staff of the Pediatric Emergency department, and with a digital stethoscope, a first assessment can be made; They also answer questions about nutrition.

The specialist who sees the child can observe the color of the child, listen to the cough, check whether or not it is lethargic; and at the same time the teacher can explain to the pediatrician all the details he needs. Reports are sent by email, and This type of care provides tranquility to the staff of the Infant School, while the parents arrive to pick up the child.

This system facilitates work for professionals, and gives parents safety. Now with MedibabyCamp, vacation activity services can offer these advantages.

Medibaby, now also in the Camps

The device can be connected to a pulse oximeter (heart rate and oxygen saturation) and a stethoscope, which allow approximate assessments.

The equipment incorporates briefcase with semi-automatic defibrillator and different first aid accessories; and an Ipad used to make videoconferencing with Hospital Emergencies, with the peace of mind that it is a doctor who controls the situation: This way you can start a first treatment, administer urgent medication, and determine the need for transfer to a medical center.

Medibaby also helps to establish protocols for transfer, training on CPR, first aid and various knowledge that will be extremely useful if necessary

Thanks to MedibabyCamp, you can act quickly 24 hours a day, seven days a week before heat strokes, digestion cuts, allergic reactions of food type or by bites of insects or reptiles, injuries due to falls or derived from sports ...

Likewise, this telematic system confers safety and tranquility to parents and monitors of children with certain pathologies and health problems that normally remain without enjoying this type of activities, such as intolerances, allergies, diabetics, kids with prolonged pharmacological treatments.

Since this health offer has a integral character, an application available for mobile phones (Android and Apple) has also been designed, so that parents, monitors or adults can be connected to the telemedicine service at any time or place.

From here I congratulate Nisa Hospitals for this initiative that, among other things can avoid displacements when they are not necessary, in addition to giving peace of mind to monitors and parents.