Ten tips to motivate your children to do physical activity

The benefits of physical activity are innumerable, at any stage of life. But our children live in an environment that invites them to be sedentary, so we must try to motivate them not to stand still. Here we leave you Ten tips to motivate children to do physical activity.

  • Have fun, do not turn the game or sport into an unhealthy competition that ruins the fun. Teach them to compare themselves and that it is not always possible to win. Sportsmanship is an important value, you have to know how to win with humility and respect for the "rival" and lose with sportsmanship. In my opinion, there is nothing worse for children to practice a healthy sport than those parents losing their roles and respect against the opponent or the referees.

  • Share the experiences with your children, both exercising with them and listening to what they have to tell us about the activity they do or asking them about it (the psychomotor class or physical education at school, after school ...), and ultimately giving them our full support.

  • Support him when there are difficulties. It is very easy to be there with the euphoria of the beginning, but children can feel insecure, ridiculous ... and we must be there to try to avoid it and overcome those "potholes."

  • If you are skilled in any sport, teach him. We have "the teacher" the house, we must take advantage of it. But remember that it is possible that your child does not like the same sport as you, so you do not have to force the situation, so we reach the next point.

  • Let the child choose the physical activity he wants to perform, offering varied options. If you feel that the activity is a personal choice, you will enjoy it more. Focus on the activity that your child likes, showing maximum interest, in the end you will like it too. Respect their abilities and tastes.

  • Let's offer them opportunities and means, not only do we talk about an activity that is regulated or subject to schedules, but children must have at their disposal balls, ropes, skates, bikes ... They also encourage active play with traditional games (hide and seek, catch ...).

  • That the child also plays with other children (in addition to the family) as it expands his circle of affections and helps him to socialize. The child must recognize and respect his coaches, referees, teammates and opponents, creating a team feeling. Solidarity and cooperation are important values ​​that sport can give.

  • Make the child see the benefits of being fit. If the child feels competent and fit, not only does he gain his physical health, we also have emotional benefits that will help him continue to "ask for" more sport. Our attitude favorable to the activity also transmits values. They, from small, have to know that it is good to move and bad to be inactive.

  • Let him experience a variety of activities and movements, do not reduce physical activity to a monotonous practice that will soon bore you. Remember that, along with sport, active play is a very healthy exercise.

  • If you practice physical activity, they practice physical activity. We are the example to follow for our children, the mirror in which they look, so we must try to devote enough time a week to "move". Transmitting an active life model will not only provide health to them but also to ourselves.

Thanks to physical activity, the boy or girl can make friends, stay in shape, acquire responsibility with healthy hygiene and physical habits. Learn rules, overcome shyness, control nerves by helping to "let off steam", keep obesity at bay, develop motor and social intelligence ...

If we look at it from the other angle, the lack of physical activity is an important mortality factor in the world and contributes to the development of various diseases. Are not enough reasons to ensure that our children are fit?

In short, remember that we are not looking for sports stars but healthy and happy children. These Ten tips to motivate children to do physical activity they will bring us a little closer to get it. What are you waiting for to start moving? It's weekend and there's no excuse ...

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