Eye to the screens: they damage the sight of the little ones

It is increasingly common for our babies and children to have tablets and mobile phones in their hands. Before, television was only seen at home. Now, anywhere children can watch cartoons or play with digital screens. But, eye to the screens, because they damage the sight of the little ones If they are not used well.

In recent years, cases of myopia have increased among young children, between two and four years. Ophthalmologists attribute it to the greater use of new technologies by families.

At an early age, children still do not have well developed eye passages, so it is difficult for them to focus or fix the images. The visual apparatus develops until approximately eight years.

If you are continually exposed to these screens that are seen at a minimum distance, early problems of myopia, astigmatism may occur and other "refractive errors" (when the affected eyes cannot correctly focus the objects on the retina) that until now were mostly present in somewhat older children, between the ages of six and 11.

Recall that, although the introduction into the daily life of these devices is inevitable and brings many advantages, it is also true that children lose many things in front of the screens. It has even been proven that children who spend more time outdoors have less risk of myopia.

Therefore, in the smallest it is convenient to limit electronic gadgets as much as possible and use video games sparingly and in family. It may be less "comfortable" for parents or caregivers, but certainly fun, also didactic and healthier other entertainment, say "traditional."

Also, as is assured now, because tablet and mobile screens are making more and more young children nearsighted. The visual health of our children matters a lot and we must be attentive to any sign that indicates they have a visual problem.