Fruit juices are not that food we think is very healthy

Two professors from the University of Glasgow have urged the British government to make a change in the recommendation to families to adopt the “5 a day” guideline (vegetables and fruits); so that Exclude from the general council, fruit juice rations as valid.

In an article published in "The Lancet", they explain that it is a mistake that people consider juices as healthy foods that do not need to be limited. The truth is that it is not the first time that we came across this approach: I have read it in “It's made me Ball” by Julio Basulto, and in a review showing that between natural fruit and fruit juice, it is always preferable to first option.

It seems that the intake of juices is related to the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes: this is because a glass has more sugar than a piece of fruit (and makes its levels rise a lot), in addition to that there is much less fiber in the juice

Dr. Naveed Sattar and Jason Gill say that In the United States there are already precedents for discouraging excessive consumption of juices in families with children. This is because so far the nutritional recommendations are focusing on the decrease in intake of saturated fat, or protein. But it is also necessary to limit the consumption of refined sugar, with all that that implies (sweets, juices).

Among the benefits that would be observed in the medium term, would be the decrease in overweight rates; although there is also talk of cardiovascular health.

From the conclusions of a scientific essay conducted with adults, it can be extrapolated that (although our perception is different at the moment) the consumption of fruit juices in terms of health, is not substantially different from ingesting other types of sugary drinks (such as packaged juices, soda or smoothies).

And although we always cling to the idea of ​​the contribution of vitamins, precisely our children are not lacking in them, and also The micronutrients provided by the juices do not compensate for the risk of excess sugar.

Video: Does Fruit Make You Fat or Help with Weight Loss? Healthy Eating, Nutrition Tips, How to Lose Weight (June 2024).