Gamification as a form of learning according to Wonnova

Wonnova It is a Spanish startup specializing in the design of gamification plans who works on successful experiences with large clients and we met their CEO, José Ángel Cano in an interesting interview a few months ago. Wonnova's proposal continues to focus on the gamification because you get that tedious tasks become something stimulating and fun. Gamification is the use of game mechanics in non-recreational environments to achieve the achievement of objectives. It is about making use of the game as an attractive and motivating element to achieve certain goals in a fun way. From Wonnova they affirm that in Spain it is consolidating itself as a trend that has come to stay.

The gamification it ensures that children have a greater degree of willingness to perform a certain action and that they can be more motivated for it. So you can see in the famous airplane game to eat the porridge or in the Bouquet method to encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables, through which families who consumed more of these foods were rewarded. To define a gamification strategy, it is necessary to set some rules and a reward system that motivates the child to abide by these rules.

One of the catalysts of gamification is the use of the technology, and is that today's children are digital natives and are accustomed to living surrounded by devices and machines that make it easy for them to do their homework.

Another of the dynamizers so that gamification can be useful is the educational environment. Studying or doing homework can be driven by using game mechanics and using reward mechanisms to make them more attractive. The challenge of gamification is to define rules and rewards that, if understood, applied and worked can be a powerful extra source of motivation.

Teachers and parents have to supervise that the mechanics of the game are being fulfilled without extra pressure or incentives. The trick of gamification is that through a game the child will freely decide to devote more time to his studies, because in the process of studying he will find a tool that will be fun for him.

Video: Gamification Theories by wonnova (July 2024).