Single-parent families recover two weeks of extra leave in case of birth of a child with disabilities or multiple birth

In Spain, one in five families is single parent, most of them headed by mothers. The families formed by a single parent denounced that, before the new decree, they were added an extra two weeks in case of giving birth to a child with a disability or in case of childbirth, adoption or multiple foster care.

But with the approval of Royal Decree Law 6/2019 of March 1, which dictates that these weeks are non-transferable and must be distributed necessarily between "each of the parents", since there is no "other parent", they were removed that right that they had previously, leaving it in a week.

Work rectifies and recognizes your right

The Ministry of Labor itself acknowledged this error, so now rectify and grant them that right again. Thus, the right of single parents to families with two parents is equalized, to enjoy the additional period that corresponds to them in these cases.

"Families with only one parent or parent may enjoy an additional two weeks of paid leave for birth and care of children or children with disabilities or in the case of childbirth, adoption or multiple foster care, according to the criteria issued by the National Security Institute Social."

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Children with only one dependent parent have the same right to enjoy the same time of care as any child with two parents, and being otherwise was a full-fledged discrimination. The Ministry has realized this and has indicated in a statement:

"It is important that children receive the necessary care regardless of whether they have one or two parents."

PRESS RELEASE: The REEFM applauds the recovery of the two weeks that had been taken from single-parent families in paternity leave for multiple birth and disability #FamiliasQueCuentan #LeyFamiliasMonoparentalesYA //

- FAMS (@fams_familias) August 5, 2019

Despite this rectification, the FAMS, which coordinates the State Network of Single-Parent Family Entities, maintains that there is still much to do and calls for a Single-Parent Family Law that matches their rights to those of other family models:

"The REEFM will continue fighting so that the necessary formulas are found so that their daughters and sons are not discriminated against, especially in the case of birth where the time of care for newborns in the case of a biparental family (24 weeks currently) it is reduced by half if it takes place in a single-parent family.All children have the right to the same number of family care days regardless of the family model to which they belong, as established in article 53.2 of the Declaration of Human rights."

In Babies and more Paternity leave: they denounce discrimination for single parents

Video: Raising a baby with Down Syndrome (May 2024).