Dads and Moms Blogs (CCX)

This Tuesday, as we do every week, we will go into cyberspace to see what stories we can find in the moms and dads blogs of the network. Here we share new perspectives, reflections, experiences, experiences and advice left to us by other parents.

We start with Bea mom of two He tells us in his blog about the "Key Child Syndrome and others", reflecting on children who are alone at home, the dangers that this entails and the fact that these "key children" are becoming smaller. Alongside this, many other modern "syndromes" that affect children ... or parents?

Vero's blog Trimadre at 30 leaves us an emotional post entitled "You are in love with the world", a tribute to his little boy of almost four years and a reflection on what we evolve and learn with children.

The blog of Tetaupa It looks like this:

I have two children that feed on this union of words; TETA AND AUPA. Tit since they were born and until they want to. And aupa (contact, portage, aupi ...) as an essential emotional food for children. My experiences, opinions and ideas to face something as important as motherhood.

These days he tells us about the postpartum moment and a topic that many women suffer in silence, such as pelvic floor problems and incontinence after giving birth, a problem that should not be missed.

Also from the postpartum but from a different perspective and with a touch of humor he speaks to us Mom by bulerías, which has been put on a diet and exercises so that the "Operation Buenorra" succeeds. Much encouragement and willpower!

Mom what do you know It is the blog in which Deborah, mother of a boy and a girl, tells us her thoughts about motherhood. We liked his post "Being a mother: the power to walk in balance", we miss this lucid approach to the supposed perfection that mothers have to achieve, what it is and what their challenges are.

And Christmas also begins to appear in blogs, as in Mother an Argentina, where we attended a new Christmas function at school: "Repeated figurine". But despite the extra work for parents, in the end these performances are enjoyed, because children especially enjoy them.

In My Philips World Don't miss the 21 baby gifts for people who don't know what to give to a baby. And is that every time Santa Claus and the Kings are closer and it is not bad to have ideas and gifts ...

Finally we leave you with the Christmas proposal of A pea princess: Christmas ornaments made with salt paste, a way for children to enjoy decorating the house with their own creations.

We hope you enjoyed some of our review moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. Do not forget that if you have a blog in which you share stories about your children or issues related to motherhood and fatherhood, you can tell us in the comments or in our contact form your address so that we can take them into account.

Video: 8-year-old battles Crohns, unable to eat (July 2024).