Becoming parents improves eating habits: the arrival of children increases the purchase of fresh produce

When we are waiting for a baby, we fathers and mothers usually begin to look for information that will help us prepare for this new facet that is about to begin, and among that search is the adequate feeding of babies and children.

However, this will not only favor the baby, but also us, because according to a recent study, after the arrival of the children increases the purchase of fresh products, thus improving the eating habits of the parents.

Posted in Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, the study analyzed the buying habits of more than 508 couples who between 2007 and 2015 became parents, to keep track of the grocery budget to determine the consumption of fruits, vegetables, fresh products, canned products, frozen products and products With another type of storage.

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According to the analysis, having a child increased the percentage of each family's budget for fresh produce: if previously they spent an average of 10% of this, after the arrival of the children increased to 12%.

The purchase of fruits and vegetables had increased after having children, and of these two, fresh fruit was the most consumed after becoming parents. In relation to the other categories, such as canned or frozen products, there was no change.

"Although adult food preferences are considered relatively stable, important events in life, such as becoming parents, could serve as a signal to make behavioral changes"says Betsy Q. Cliff, one of the authors of the study.

According to the study authors, this shift towards healthier habits after the arrival of the children It could be an opportunity to create educational nutrition programs that focus on increasing the consumption of fresh produce in families.

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As we have mentioned on several occasions, the arrival of children comes to completely change our lives, and with this we can verify once again that they have a positive effect on our general well-being, since they help us revalue our habits and seek to be better every day.

Video: How to make healthy eating unbelievably easy. Luke Durward. TEDxYorkU (May 2024).