Good practices in feeding school-age children

We are going to take care of the feeding of school-age children: a stage of life in which many physical and psychological changes occur. By feeding we respond to nutritional needs, and also to any special or transitory situation (diseases, seasonal changes, etc.); And of course by eating we not only satiate hunger, but provide the nutrients our body needs.

In the case of children, food also allows them to face the level of energy expenditure necessary to perform many different activities from each other, which require that body and mind be fit. Imagine what could happen if a child who goes to school, studies, plays, reads, runs, does his homework, plays a sport, etc., will neglect his nutritional needs. He would probably tire more easily, lose interest in activities he liked before; but also their physical growth could suffer, as well as their ability to learn, and even behavior. And let's not lose sight of the fact that during childhood good nutritional practices are consolidated that will be maintained in adolescence and adulthood. It's known that Protein needs are higher during childhood, although it is not good to overdo it with proteins, since vitamins are very beneficial for the body, and carbohydrates also fulfill their function. It's all about finding a satisfactory balance between nutrients that your body asks for, providing you with a balanced diet, preferably composed of healthy foods.

Julio Basulto says in "It makes a ball" that after two years, children can eat (adjusting quantities, yes) as healthy adults. Although many times we must blow the imagination, and above all take into account your tastes (Does fruit only like apples, grapes and bananas? Then do not insist on eating pomegranates, kiwi or pears, that will come with time).

Recommended practices

  • Pay close attention to breakfast. This meal is the first English nutrient after a long fast, and hence its importance, to have a good breakfast you must have enough time, and here the regulation of sleep hours comes into play (putting them to bed at a suitable time to sleep at least nine hours), and have at least half an hour so they can make this meal quietly.
In addition to looking at the nutrients we will include, we must pay attention to the preferences of our children, always avoiding foods that provide empty calories (with a lot of fat, sugar or salt). That is to say: there are children who prefer yogurt to milk, or who eat a peach and a cookie more easily than two slices of bread with butter

Breakfast is also very important in families whose children eat at school, since it becomes a relationship space, during which communication is encouraged. Attentive therefore to the projects for the day that the little ones will tell you, or the story of the dreams they have had.

  • Reduce the consumption of sweets, candies, soft drinks; and limit that of energy drinks.

  • Compensate with the snack the nutrients that have had little presence in the previous meals: for example, give them fruit if you have had many carbohydrates for breakfast, and have eaten pasta with a dessert dairy; or prepare them a cheese sandwich if they have fruit for breakfast, and the food has consisted of chicken with vegetables.

  • Eat dinner soon, and try to make dinner a reason for family reunion again, remembering that it should become a rather light meal if it takes place after eight in the afternoon, so that the body can digest well before starting its nighttime functions.

  • A good diet must be accompanied by physical exercise which helps us stay in shape, and prevents the sedentary cause of so many diseases in industrial societies.

Here you have a post that we dedicated some time ago to the new food wheel of the SEDCA, it will help you to understand how to combine the different nutrients, and the importance of food in healthy development. And don't forget that a good diet can be used as protection against future diseases.

Video: Feeding problems and solutions in toddlers and school age children (May 2024).