How to act if a child with autism has been assaulted in school?

From Autismo Diario they tell us about a book and profile on Facebook that denounce the aggressions suffered by children who do not have verbal language in the United States. They are those children with mental deficiency, or who suffer from an autism spectrum disorder, who have dysphasia, or also specific language disorder and have not acquired oral language.

Not only do these terrible and unjustifiable facts occur in that country, because These types of violent acts are usually more common in education centers than we might think a priori.. The site is called 'Mommy, I wish I could tell you what they did to me in school today' ('mom I wish I could tell you what they did to me at school today'). Imagine if for a child who has no difficulty in communicating it must already be difficult to tell such a humiliating fact ...

A child with autism (for example), and without functional communication, should have greater supervision supervision within the school and during the complementary or extracurricular activities that are carried out

What can be the causes of a child with such a problem coming home with visible injuries?

  • Self-aggression, but if it happens ... what were the educational leaders in the meantime or where were they in the meantime?

  • It has been locked to prevent damage while having a tantrum. The original post mentions that, in case of resorting to the blockade parents should have information on aspects as if the center's protocol for physical containments is approved, or if there is a record of physical intervention. And it is specified that physical blockage with young children is simple, in the same way that it is inadmissible to cause injury.

  • The cause has been other children: it is the mission of the school to prevent students from harming each other intentionally and systematically.

  • It is very rare but sometimes it happens that the causes have been employees of the institution.

Action in case a 'nonverbal' child presents blows or bruises too often

Evidently, parents must act, one of his missions regarding the raising and education of children is to protect them, and I think we all know when the limit is exceeded from 'something among children because one has given two kicks to another because they have not according to changing cards', until 'my son returns every day with injuries to the chest or legs'.

It is important take pictures and go to the doctor and lift a portion of injuries where you document in detail the child's injuries. In the case of a claim, it is better to have evidence that is valid. After the review it is advisable to follow the established channels: tutor / psycho-pedagogical services, director or head of studies, area inspector, and not discarding the complaint if the case is not resolved.

To analyze the frequency it is important to also know the child in particular because there are some who put themselves at risk more times than the rest, and of course if they fall a lot the fault is not anyone's, right? It is worth not having hit him, but they have not avoided the outcome. Teachers and other staff imagine that they will have a hard time with super restless children who do not meet the recommendations of adults, but this should not serve as an excuse for the student to have bruises week yes and week too.

A child who is being physically assaulted may not show visible signs, for example, slapping, pushing, etc., they are aggressions but leave no marks. And how do we detect such a situation? There are various symptoms in the child's behavior that can be useful, for example, peeing in bed at night, having nightmares, presenting anxiety states, not wanting to go to school without an apparent reason, presenting aggressive behaviors, rejecting Suddenly contact with strangers, get scared easily, ..., are some of the behaviors that can alert us

Before a situation of abuse without visible marks the thing is something more complex, but in any case we must denounce this situation. Always being clear that although the child aggressors are other children, the ultimate responsibility is of the school that has allowed (or has not prevented) that this happened.

I think in these situations parental firmness can help channel the solution of the problem, in addition to setting a precedent so that something similar does not happen again in the same school. And of course everyone benefits, even the aggressor children because someone sets limits on them, and this is something we all need.

Video: Autistic Girl's Family Releases Video Of Bus Driver's Alleged Abuse (July 2024).