The 100 best private schools for the 2013-14 academic year according to El Mundo

We are in the middle of the summit in terms of schools, since thousands of parents from all over Spain are already submitting their applications to enroll their children in the chosen schools.

Coinciding with these dates, the newspaper The world publishes, annually, a selection with the 100 best private schools in Spain and in Babies and more, as in previous years, we show you a brushstroke of that classification.

Obviously, and as usually happens, talking about "good" or "bad" is to adject something in a way that can be very subjective, because a school is only good for some parents if they like functioning and philosophy. Therefore, to avoid misunderstandings, the mentioned newspaper publishes the criteria that follow to rate the different areas that are evaluated. As they have not varied much compared to last year, I recommend that, if you want to know the criteria, read the entry I made about them a year ago.

The 30 best private and concerted schools in Spain

To not put the complete list, too extensive, with the 100 schools, I leave you with the first 30 best schools according to El Mundo.

  • Colegio Meres, in the province of Asturias, with 96 points out of 100 possible.
  • Colegio Lauaxeta, in the province of Vizcaya, with 96 points.
  • Colegio Montserrat, in the province of Barcelona, ​​with 95 points.
  • Montessori School, in the province of Girona, with 94 points.
  • Colegio San Patricio, in the province of Madrid, with 94 points.
  • Colegio Centro SEK, in the province of Madrid, with 94 points.
  • Base School, in the province of Madrid, with 94 points.
  • Vizcaya College, in the province of Vizcaya, with 94 points.
  • Colegio Liceo Europea, in the province of Madrid, with 93 points.
  • Colegio Ágora, in the province of Barcelona, ​​with 92 points.
  • Colegio Sta. Mª del Pilar, in the province of Madrid, with 92 points.
  • Colegio Jesús M. El Salvador, in the province of Zaragoza, with 92 points.
  • Urkide College, in the province of Álava, with 92 points.
  • Colegio San Cernín, in the province of Navarra, with 91 points.
  • Colegio Irabia-Izaga, in the province of Navarra, with 91 points.
  • CEU San Pablo School, in the province of Madrid, with 90 points.
  • Colegio San Ignacio, in the province of Asturias, with 90 points.
  • Colegio Agustiniano, in the province of Madrid, with 90 points.
  • Miravalles-El Redín School, in the province of Navarra, with 90 points.
  • Colegio Montfort, in the province of Madrid, with 89 points.
  • Colegio Logos, in the province of Madrid, with 89 points.
  • Colegio Ramón y Cajal, in the province of Madrid, with 89 points.
  • Colegio Mirabal, in the province of Madrid, with 89 points.
  • Colegio Internacional Nuevo Centro, in the province of Madrid, with 89 points.
  • Colegio Urdaneta, in the province of Vizcaya, with 88 points.
  • Colegio Brains, in the province of Madrid, with 88 points.
  • Colegio La Miranda, in the province of Barcelona, ​​with 88 points.
  • Colegio Obradoiro, in the province of A Coruña, with 87 points.
  • Colegio Axular, in the province of Guipúzcoa, with 87 points.
  • Colegio Heldelberg, in the province of Gran Canaria, with 87 points.
  • Colegio San Agustín, in the province of Zaragoza, with 87 points.

If you want to know what are the remaining 70 you can see them in a pdf that the Good Shepherd College has posted on its website. In this document you can also see a list with the Notable and international schools.

Video: European School Radio: A Vinyl Story spot (July 2024).