A Finnish campaign turns parents who abuse alcohol into monsters

It is called 'Monsters', and although it is new to us, these days we have heard about it in the media. Is about a Finnish campaign against excessive alcohol consumption.

It is led by the Fragile Childhood organization, and comes to call attention to the perception that children have of their fathers and mothers when they consume alcohol in excess. And, although we find the family problems that alcoholism can cause more evident, without reaching the extreme of dependence, a parent who has gone through the glasses is not the best company for a child, nor a good example for their children. sons.

I don't know the extent of alcohol problems in Finland, but I know that in Spain there is a lot of social tolerance towards one of the drugs that harms people of all ages (since, approximately 13 years old). We are permissive because we consider it part of our culture, and many are not surprised that in family and community events, there are so many people drinking alcohol excessively, because 'everyone does it'.

That 'everyone does it' is a myth like any other, and if we don't put our critical eye on it, we don't help children have instruments to protect themselves in the future, or learn to make decisions.

Worldwide (and according to WHO data) Alcohol abuse is the cause of 2.5 million deaths per year and ranks third among the risk factors of the mortality burden. It is also related to many serious social problems, particularly violence, child neglect / abuse, and absenteeism.

Returning to the campaign, he intends to show the abusive parents of alcohol and alcoholics, like monsters in the eyes of their children

A child worried that his father is not able to put on his seatbelt, a little girl who looks at his balloon so he doesn't have to face a drunk parent, a son who seems to be ashamed when a football player is playing in the audience clown, a girl with an absent look from the hand of a 'monster', another more scared because they put on a jacket with violence, and an anguished kid who has no choice but to greet the hooded or hooded man who looks at him.

The simile of children accompanied by monsters is nothing exaggerated, if we take into account the perception that many of today's adults had of their parents and alcohol abusers while they were children. Our actions always accompany and mold children, for better and for worse.

Video: Anti-drinking ad: Parents are monsters (July 2024).