The contribution of calcium to the diet of children with lactose intolerance

There are many people (among whom are children and adolescents) whose dairy products do not suit them very well. The decision to eliminate lactose from the diet is sometimes motivated by a diagnosis of intolerance, sometimes by responding to the body's requirements.

Today there are many dairy products (milks, cheeses, yogurts, milkshakes, and even cream) without lactose in the market. But if we are concerned about the calcium intake (so important as we grow) in the diet of our children We must all have complete information that clarifies that calcium is not only present in dairy products. To get products without lactose, lactase is added during the manufacturing process. It is an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of lactose into two other sugars. People with intolerance lack lactase or have very low levels, and this causes digestive problems when eating dairy foods.

It is common that even when common dairy feel bad, the body accepts cheese better than cream or milk, this is because fermentation helps reduce the presence of lactose

There is a widespread (and rightfully) concern towards the Correct contribution of calcium to the bones of children, they are the support of the body and grow until we are approximately 25 years old. They must be well fed during the growth period.

Foods that give calcium

This valuable mineral is found in:

  • Green leafy vegetables (chard, green beans, spinach, broccoli).

  • Vegetables: lentils, mugo beans, white soybeans, chickpeas.

  • Nuts: almonds, nuts, hazelnuts, dried figs.

  • Whole grains (rice, pasta made from whole wheat semolina)

  • Fish in general (and in particular sardines, anchovies, sole, sea bream)

  • Egg.

And of course, if it's about giving up lactose but not dairy (good source of calcium), we can rely on lactose-free products that guarantee nutrient intake, without the heavy digestions that - for some - are associated with the first.

A gift for the senses

It is best to try vary the diet, without forcing to eat, so that they get used to different flavors, it is also advisable to change the form of presentation when they find it difficult to accept. For example: if a child does not tolerate boiled spinach (it does not surprise me that seeing that bunch report on the plate many are thrown back), we place them in a baking dish surrounded by sliced ​​potatoes and covered with raw eggs, and after dressing we take it to the oven.

Legumes are sometimes heavy and not for the food itself, but for preparing them with sausages: the lentils are richer and healthier if we boil them, and separately we sauté different vegetables in olive oil (carrots, potatoes, celery, chard, onion) and then put it all together and after a few laps in the pan we will have a delicious stew.

Be careful to offer children dishes that we do not eat, how to pretend to accept the battered sardines if they see a grimace of disgust on their father's face while preparing them?

Vegetables such as broccoli are difficult to accept boiled, but very rich in well-dressed salads

To snack the nuts go well, alternating with other days in which we will put fresh fruit or snacks (watching that the children are small so that they are not going to choke): combining their benefits with how rich they are is a guarantee of success.

Ah! by the way… Paella is much tastier using brown rice.

We must set aside a closed association between dairy and bones, firstly because (as we have seen) calcium is present in other foods; and secondly because it is known that calcium is not absorbed well without vitamin D and magnesium, and from this point of view the contribution could be more optimal when eating nuts (which have both minerals). Remember that Vitamin D is used as a supplement in some milks, but its main source is the sun.

Finally, during childhood habits must be established to consolidate a balanced and healthy diet. That is why it is important that learn to appreciate food from all groups, which will provide them with the necessary nutrients. And this is also valid when there is no special situation that prevents the intake of a particular food.

Images | treehouse1977, coolinsight On Peques and More | How can we distinguish between an allergy and an intolerance, Nutritional keys for health (I): food groups in the new food wheel

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