Summary of the week from January 9 to 15 in Peques and More

We return a week with lots of information, resources and content for all those who want to follow learning about those wonderful children from 5 to 12 years old that make our lives happy every day. And since Peques and more We bring you a new weekly summary for the whole family.

In the children's reading section We present the story of Lulu and the Blue Wolf in which the famous turtle stars in an interactive story, with music and sound for mobile devices. We also show you how were the minibooks of the Cavalcade of the Magi in Madrid, a very cute and simple format for the little ones. We also bring you a very simple book on Astronomy for the little ones of the house with a half dinosaur half astronaut character called cosmicaurus. And about Christmas gifts, LEGO's customer service response to a child who told them that he had lost his favorite figure. Although at home, the Christmas star game has been the Just Dance to play as a family. And in more games for children, the collection The farm animals for children to have fun and learn.

We have made a interview with Alberto Mena Godoy, body psycho therapist and author of 'To be or not to be a man. Journey to the essence of male identity. ' We also talked with him about the male identity crisis of the need for babies to bond with their mothers, of normalized abuse of children and of many more things. We also stopped in an interview we have read with José Antonio Marina about permissive society. And about disorders, we comment on the scientific and ethical need to avoid overdiagnosis of ADHD and present the guide that the Confederation Autism Spain, as a representative of people with ASD and their families in Spain, has called The ICT guide for people with Autism Spectrum DisorderAnd we will always encourage children to make mistakes, make them stronger and learn many things.

In the environment academic We were surprised because there are already schools without paper and pencil, it is the Essa Academy, in Great Britain, and its means to facilitate learning is the iPad although they had previously tried with iPod Touch. We present the work 'Studying is boring, learning is fun', a manual to instill the habit of studying in children. And in the future, which is increasingly present, we show you where the shots of video games go with Illumiroom a project that makes it almost an experience to play at home with video games. And about parenting, we comment on modern styles that negatively affect brain development.

In nutrition We commented on the app Learning to eat, an application for iPhone / iPad, developed by Classroom Health Training, which aims to offer advice to parents who want to know more about infant feeding. We also reflect on why eating disorders appear in young children. And with this cold fancy a warm soup for the whole family. And in the Health We remind you that with these temperatures it is necessary that we shelter the children well before going out to play, to school or to take a walk on the street.

According to the responsibility, we present the Decalogue of the National Police of Spain, so that parents and children know how to handle technology without taking risks. Although the decalogue may seem strict, we were surprised by this mother's initiative by signing a contract for her son when they gave him a very high-priced telephone. We inform you of the Solidarity Red Cross Campaign to distribute lots of social assistance and we care about the safety of school transport in the schools environment.

We loved the site to make paper wrappers with the WripWrapWrop application. And take advantage because we have a few weeks of sales to update the children's clothing.

And to end the dance time of the week with Pocoyo dancing the Gangman Style, he had to arrive!

As always, we recommend that you go through Peques and more, so that you can review these contents more widely as well as discover more articles than those included in this summary. Until next week!