How to celebrate a sweet Christmas without risks to the health of the kids

When there are a few weeks left before we are celebrating Christmas, It is important that we consider the meaning of these holidays and the way we celebrate them. I think that it is important for children to know the origin of Christmas, and to meet the true meaning that is only to share and approach the people we love most.

And this is so whether we want to give it a pagan meaning (in fact these holidays take place on the dates we know because they coincide with the winter solstice) or religious. Not in vain in ancient times (and until not long ago) the last party before winter was held just when we now gather around a table enjoying a copious meal and singing Christmas carols.

And if we have attended a time of abundant gifts and no less abundant typical foods, Christmas has also been characterized by an excess of sweet treats that children gladly ingest. But do we know alternatives to sweeten these holidays? All children like candy, and (almost) all adults taste it regularly (even if in secret), but the goodies have little nutritional value, and instead have high amounts of refined sugars and additives that make them very attractive For young palates.

It is not that I want to bitter the party to the smallest of the house, but parents should keep in mind two key ideas: moderation and use of healthier sweets

We are not going to give up nougat and marzipan, right?

It is clear that no, at this point it seems to us that they have always been accompanying us since Christmas Eve and until the day of Kings, but If the Christmas dessert tray is available to children During meetings with friends or family, it is more than likely that they end up abusing without realizing it and taking more of the account.

So we should try to give them the pleasure of eating typical sweets although always after meals and moderatelyThis way we will avoid binge eating, heavy digestion, tummy aches and caries risk.

Sugar is present in many ways

Y many times in disproportionate amounts, Examples? sugary drinks, jelly beans, chocolates, etc. We can not fall into the trap of 'total is only one day', because the reality is that it is not only one, since after Christmas comes New Year's Eve, the holiday of the Kings, birthdays, Carnival, Easter, the Summer, Halloween, and many other occasions to ignore the principles of healthy eating.

Our permissiveness must be as controlled as sweet treats., and although we are not going to deny them that pleasure, it is possible to negotiate with them the moments and the amounts to be taken. Alternately proposing other desserts.

They are also sweet ...

Fresh and dried fruits, natural juices, some vegetables such as carrots, and of course the homemade desserts that we can prepare with great care from home.

Because here the choice is possible: carefully selected basic ingredients, substitution of white sugar for integral, or honey; Y the assurance that when baking in the oven some marzipan, in addition to sweet we are preparing a lot of love for our children.

It is definitely about celebrating a special date in a special way, but without health suffering.

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