How to prevent osteoporosis from childhood

Osteoporosis is one of those diseases that sounds distant to us, a disease of the elderly, but what is less known is that It is important to prevent osteoporosis from childhood.

A few days ago, World Osteoporosis Day was celebrated, and the Spanish Association against Osteoporosis (AECOS) has warned that childhood plays a fundamental role in the prevention of osteoporosis, a disease that affects almost three million Spaniards .

Under the slogan "Stop at the first, make the first fracture the last one", they intend to inform and raise awareness among the general population about the importance of prevention in the face of this pathology characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue , which lead to greater bone weakness and an increased risk of fractures.

But, How to prevent osteoporosis from childhood? A diet rich in calcium and physical activity from the first years of life are some of the key tools to prevent it. The bone mass peak is achieved around the age of 25, so you have to try to increase it from childhood.

One more reason to enhance the practice of physical activity, that children will report multiple benefits, as we see in the short and long term.

Given that the bone health of Spanish children is at the tail of Europe, it is worth remembering that Osteoporosis can be prevented from childhood. Calcium, vitamin D and physical exercise are essential to achieve healthy bones and proper bone development of our children.

Video: Nutrition to Protect your Bones (July 2024).