Tips to recover the figure after delivery: Food

Last week we talked in our special Postpartum Care of how and when was the best time to resume the exercise, a great help to eliminate the kilos of more acquired during pregnancy. But to lose weight is also essential maintain adequate food, so today we are going to give some guidelines to get it.

Not forgetting that following good habits is normal after giving birth to lose weight naturally, especially if you breastfeed.

Slowly but surely

It is not the time to make a hypocaloric or restrictive diet, your body needs to recover and your day to day requires enough energy and strength to take good care of your baby.

In addition, if you are going to breastfeed you should eat enough food (a contribution of up to about 500 extra calories for milk production), so it is not about eating little, if not choose well what you eat.

Following a low-calorie diet produces stress and fatigue, too much to add to the new situation, instead eating healthy and balanced, losing weight little by little, makes us feel better also emotionally, not only with our physique.

Varied diet, with some recommendations

We had already commented that fruits, vegetables and whole grains They are your best allies to take care of the skin, treat stretch marks and contribute to good healing. They are also the best partners for healthy eating and incidentally avoid constipation, important during the first weeks of recovery.

Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals and they contain very few calories, so don't hesitate to include them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. By the time you bite the bug, have celery, carrots or similar crudités on hand, with which you will also be able to increase the defenses.

Whole grains provide slow absorption fiber and carbohydrates, and retain all their nutrients, such as those containing the germ and wheat bran.

Choose proteins from fish (you can guide yourself with the same ones we recommend for pregnancy), lean meats, and polyunsaturated fats such as those found in olive oil, avocado or salmon. It is important avoid saturated fats present in foods such as butter, sausages, hydrogenated margarines or whole milk (better skimmed or semi).

Although sometimes the daily jog makes it difficult you have to try not to skip any food, so as not to get to the next one with a hunger that does not allow us to choose correctly and (here comes the most difficult yet) as much as possible there is to try to eat slowly, chewing food well, to satiate ourselves well and not overdo the amounts.

It also counts a lot how to prepare food, sauteed, grilled, steamed, cooked or raw (in the case of vegetables and some vegetables) are the best options, leaving for fried exceptions fried and battered.

The simpler your preparations are the better, it is not about spending hours in the kitchen but you should not fall into the abuse of pre-cooked or prepared meals since they usually have an excess of salt and saturated fats.

Reduce to the maximum the refined sugars present in industrial pastries, cakes or soft drinks and when you have to use sugar in an infusion or recipe better choose the integral and always in small quantities.

Drink about two liters of water a day will help hydrate and eliminate fluids, without adding more calories as other drinks can.

All these tips will help you not only to recover the figure gradually, but also to acquire good habits that can benefit us all throughout life.

Can you tell us how you carry or did you feed during the postpartum period?

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