Plasencia children want to be taught to throw the gum in the bin instead of on the floor

Plasencia It has a population of over 40,000 inhabitants, it is the second city in the province of Cáceres and the fourth in Extremadura. They apparently have a problem with the cleanliness of the city because the gum that children and young people consume end up lying on the ground leaving the city unpresentable as you can see in the video.

So to try to improve the education of children the Department of Municipal Services of Plasencia has recently distributed 42,000 chewing gum to the 6,000 students of Primary and IES centers in the city of Extremadura. The goal is to change the tendency to dirty the city and ensure that the kids get used to using the bins. The package that was delivered required to keep the wrap once opened and make a ball with the gum once discarded to throw it in the bin.

To reinforce the campaign, and as explained by our colleagues in Daily Savings, urban services are expected to have less chewing gum cleaning because, in addition to taking six years to degrade, they seem to have a facility for germs to accumulate on their surface .

The initiative, which I don't know how it worked, seems adequate to me, although in addition to trying to mentalize the kids with responsibility, the environment and cleanliness, I think it is very important that more measures be taken. For example, in large cities and especially in spaces where young people frequently meet, it is It is essential to place large trash bins so they get used to using them.

I think the campaign may have little value if it is not accompanied by Modifications of street furniture or conditioning more spaces so that the kids have a wide range of leisure to go to.

In Daily Savings | Plasencia

Video: Hand Rolled: A Film About Cigars (July 2024).