Essential hygiene habits for pregnant women

We all know, of course, the essential personal hygiene habits, however, with the preparation for the arrival of a child, in pregnancy, some things will change, first, regarding our customs, and then, regarding the care we will have with the environment.

Let's talk about the hygiene habits in pregnancy because of them, it will depend in part, also, the health of our son.

Habits of personal hygiene in pregnancy

During pregnancy we must take special care of our health And one way to do it is, without a doubt, to have adequate hygiene.

Many pathogens are going to enter our bodies through the mouth and nose, so we must wash our hands all the necessary times: always before and after using the toilet, before and after eating and also when arriving home and when we touch someone with a cold or when we touch dirty objects.

It is also very important mouth hygiene and, obviously, dental health, brushing your teeth properly after each meal and before going to bed and following proper eating habits can help avoid fairly frequent problems during pregnancy. For any discomfort it is always good to see a dentist.

Another issue to take care of is intimate hygiene. Vaginal showers and aggressive soaps should be avoided, kept clean, remember not to clean forward after doing the needs to avoid contamination with feces and also wear cotton underwear and wear clothes that are not very tight. If urinary discomfort or signs of vaginal infections appear, medical advice should be sought.

The chest changes with pregnancy. What is not necessary is to put soaps or special creams on the nipplesThey are not dirty even if they produce small amounts of colostrum or prepare for breastfeeding with it. What is not advised is to leave them wet with their clothes on, because that could cause irritation. It is not necessary either to put any kind of liner on them or give them massages to leave if they are flat or inverted, and if they can be touched in sexual intercourse.

And speaking of sex, I do not know that the doctor indicates otherwise or that the woman does not feel like it, sex is great in pregnancy, recommended and safe. Comfortable postures should be used as the gut grows and, of course, it must be done by practicing safe sex because some STDs are especially dangerous for the baby.

Hygiene of the pregnant woman's environment

According to him job there may be risks to pregnancy, in that case, there is the right to request a temporary change or discharge.

We must extreme food hygiene With good preservation and preparation, avoid those who can transmit toxoplasmosis, clean vegetables well and do not eat in places that are not trusted or share glasses and cutlery.

Some fundamental questions would be to cook food to more than 75 degrees, not to eat meat or raw fish, to cook eggs well, not to mix raw and cooked products that can come into contact and keep the fridge and kitchen utensils clean.

And finally we must also take care of the hygiene of what we breathe: Do not go as far as possible to closed and loaded environments, or where there are toxic products and, of course, in addition to not smoking, also avoid exposure to tobacco smoke since the risk of congenital problems associated with tobacco smoke is also real in passive smokers.

The question of avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke and not smoking is essential, as it is related to problems ranging from preterm birth, preeclampsia, various birth defects and there has even been talk that it could affect the baby's brain.

Special care must be taken with exposure to chemicals but, in reality, we discover that absolute protection does not exist and there are many chemicals in the environment that can be dangerous to the fetus. Cleaning the house should not be problematic, but it will always be better to do it with little aggressive or even natural products.

Regarding cosmetics, you have to look carefully at its composition, as some could pose a risk to the baby.

In general, the environment or our actions can pose a risk to the health of the baby and it is convenient to be well informed and take into account the hygiene habits essential for the pregnant woman.

Video: All About Pregnancy Nutrition (July 2024).