Being a mother can be very difficult, but it is certainly a wonderful experience

If there is anything we can say with certainty about motherhood, it is that each woman lives it differently. And it is that motherhood is something so unique and different, that does not compare with any other life experience.

The challenges, the joys, the effort, the benefits and everything she brings, is something that nothing else can give you. Therefore, and on the occasion of Mother's Day, today I want to share a reflection about being a mother, because it can be very difficult but it is certainly a wonderful experience.

The roller coaster of motherhood: challenges and rewards

I will be very sincere and honest: motherhood is not rosy. Like all experience, it has its lights and shadows, its moments of immense happiness and also moments that make you question everything and doubt yourself. Motherhood is full of challenges and rewards that make it unique and incomparable. It's a ride on a roller coaster.

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Let's start talking about the postpartum, which is the first moment of "tangible" motherhood, because finally you have your baby in your arms. From my personal experience and that of dozens of mothers with whom I have spoken, it is undoubtedly one of the most difficult, confusing and dark stages of motherhood.

Don't get me wrong, finally having our baby with us is something amazing and wonderful. But it is a period in which during its beginning many big changes happen in a matter of hours and to those who must adapt to them, accompanied by the wave of emotions that are lived. Fortunately, this eventually ends and motherhood is not like postpartum.

However, despite these changes, we have before us the greatest gift that life can give us and reminds us how strong our bodies are: our children. Y there is no sunset that compares to that precious vision of seeing your baby Feel safe with you.

And then, those babies start to grow, and new challenges and new adventures arrive, but also new joys and emotions that only being a mother can you experience. One of them is to know the most tender, pure and sincere love: that of your children towards you when they are little. There is no love as intense and precious as this love.

Of course, tantrums are also present, as well as other problems or challenges of each stage, whether childhood or adolescence, which can test our patience and energy. But despite that, the truth is that those little not-so-positive moments are just that, moments, that are just passing through and then leave, but love is still present.

And as our children grow and develop, other totally new and unknown situations come to us, which can make us doubt our ability to do things right and they can even make us think that we are not able to raise those little human beings that depend on us. But yes, we are.

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The emotional ups and downs of being a mother

The challenges and rewards of being a mom are not just what we can experience when we have children. Also within us, we live a series of emotional ups and downs that they lead us to live sensations and emotions that we had never felt. One of them is the famous and annoying guilt.

And is that we mothers feel guilty for many things: for going to work, for following our personal aspirations, for wishing a little time alone, for feeling that we are not up to other mothers, among others. Without realizing it, we become very hard on ourselves, because motherhood itself can be very hard, but this does not mean that we are doing things wrong.

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But if we put those faults aside, and focus on the personal and emotional growth that we have acquired by being mothers, we can realize how much we have changed. Surely many mothers will think like me when they realize that they are no longer the same as before having children, but they also don't want to be again.

Enjoy this wonderful experience

Personally, although sometimes (or most of the time) I feel exhausted or feel I have a million things to do, the truth is that I love being a mom and everything that having this powerful title entails. Seeing my daughter in the eyes and smiling together is one of the most beautiful feelings I feel every day, and I know I could not live without that sweet look at my side.

Because although it is difficult or sometimes I feel that I will not be able to with the challenges that it brings and is an invisible work for the eyes of others, It is still a wonderful experience That would not change for anything in the world.

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Video: What Would You Do: Child abused by foster mother (July 2024).