Santillana Holidays proposes as every year review exercises for children between 6 and 12 years

The summer holidays have already begun and the children take advantage of it to rest, they get up at eleven in the morning !, to enjoy the day of sun and water, the mountain, their friends and to be with the family. From the Editorial Santillana They also propose that they can use their booklets to continue learning and reinforcing what they learned in the course.

The Santillana notebooks They are adapted so that you can continue learning without going to class. And it is that at home, alone or in company, they can be used for the different cycles of Infant, Primary and Secondary. These works are very veteran and since more than 30 years offer fun, learning and entertainment While the kids review, remember and anticipate the news of the next course.

The series covers a large number of review exercises aimed at children aged 6 to 12, organized by content lines:

  • Maths, with activities and directions on how to solve problems
  • Reading comprehension, with narrative and informative texts, an understanding of all aspects of reading is worked on
  • Spelling and grammar, where work models are organized around recognition, production or application and standardization
  • English, with review exercises
  • General review, designed to reinforce the main contents of the course

Also this year 2012, notebooks arrive with an educational game accessible on the Internet, called The Santillana Holiday Adventures where you can review the subjects with the help of the computer, interacting with the contents and encouraging learning through experience and repetition.

The game will be active during the summer and the participants, turned into surfers, must demonstrate their skills in five islands that represent the subjects of the notebooks: Matema-tuka (Mathematics), Lingua-lunga (Language and Literature), Hello- it (English), Cone-ono (knowledge of the environment), and Re-re-re-step (general review).

I think Santillana makes a great job for kids to reinforce knowledge and learn in a fun way. Although the holidays are to enjoy, to enjoy and to spread to the fullest it does not come from time to time that the children approach a notebook and practice a little while alone, with more friends or in family.

Video: #Socialmus 2017 - 2ª Parte - Mesa redonda (July 2024).