Healthy habits since childhood

Between three and six years of age, habits related to food, physical activity begin and the bases of emotional health are laid, therefore it is important to transmit to children healthy habits since childhood.

The incidence of childhood obesity among the youngest children is alarming, a disease that at the same time causes pathologies considered so far as adults are occurring in children. To avoid this, there must be a healthy relationship of the child with food from the moment it is born, and even before through pregnancy nutrition.

Physical activity is also a healthy habit that parents should pass on to children from early childhood, and even where they should lead by example. If the practice of exercise is something everyday among family members, the child will assimilate it as something natural.

The prevention of the physical and mental health of our children is part of the education we transmit to them. So important is that they know how to ask "please" how to eat healthy, exercise or know how to manage their emotions.

By the way, mental health prevention is equally relevant. Good mental health from childhood helps prevent harmful behaviors in adolescence and adulthood, such as addictions.

Valentín Fuster, president of the National Cardiovascular Research Center (CNIC) and director of the Cardiovascular Institute of Mount Sinai Heart Hospital (New York), said a few days ago at a keynote conference on 'Health, Youth and Society' that he gave in Madrid that:

To implement healthy habits we must also work on the control of emotions, and this double course of action can allow us to avoid problems such as obesity and prevent possible addictions to tobacco, alcohol or drugs. The latter today constitute risk factors for both mental and cardiovascular disease. ”

Therefore, one of the many responsibilities we have as parents is to transmit to our children healthy habits since childhood, to educate healthy children both nutritionally and physically and mentally.

Video: Kids! Small Steps to a Healthy You (July 2024).