At least two liters of water daily during pregnancy

People often talk about the recommended calorie intake for pregnant women, but less importance is given to water, an indispensable food for the good health of the mother and the baby in gestation.

Nutrition experts recommend consuming at least two liters of water daily during pregnancy. Specifically, between 2 and 2.5 liters during the first quarter, increasing to 3 liters during the second and third quarters.

The physiological changes that women experience during pregnancy make it necessary to increase the daily intake of water. And even increase the recommended amounts when there is an increase in physical activity, as well as in hot and dry environments.

Water is beneficial for preventing urinary infections, one of the main causes of premature delivery, constipation, one of the discomforts in pregnancy, and helps maintain adequate levels of amniotic fluid.

In addition, contrary to what one might think, drinking plenty of water helps prevent edema, a swelling caused by excess fluid in the tissues, as well as a headache, two quite common ills in pregnant women.

Therefore, if you do not usually drink plenty of water and are pregnant, you will have to increase your daily intake at least two liters of water daily, amount that should increase as the pregnancy progresses.

Video: Drinking water during pregnancy. Water health benefits. how much water should we drink (July 2024).