Highlights in Babies and more: from April 30 to May 6

One more Monday we bring you the summary of Babies highlights and more during the last week of April, where we compile those topics that have interested you most.

We begin by congratulating all the mothers since this Sunday was their day; and in Babies and more we have brought you a special load of many very interesting things: bottles converted into vases, a poem and a letter.

We also remind you that during this month of May, and due to the celebration of this day in Spain and in most countries of the world, our most photogenic section will be dedicated to the photos of your babies with their mothers. We look forward to your photographs!

In our special about the best children's films we have talked about Ice Age - The Ice Age and Dumbo, two animated films that you will surely see with your children on more than one occasion.

In addition, this week our partner Eva Paris has collaborated in the blog In orange talking about what expenses your family faces with a baby, because due to the current scenario this question is the order of the day in many homes before the arrival of the baby and, with it, its expenses during its first months of life.

We have raised a rather curious question: can you reach childbirth without knowing that you are pregnant? The reason is none other than a recent story where a woman gave birth to her daughter in the bathroom saying she had no idea she was pregnant. What is your opinion? And following the issue of pregnancy, we have also talked about back pain, one of the most common discomforts during the third trimester.

We all know that postpartum depression is a phenomenon that affects several women who feel sad after their baby is born and that, similarly, this state has direct consequences on the baby. One of these effects is that babies' sleep can be disturbed if the mother is in this state of depression.

No one doubts the importance of vitamin K in infants, since it is essential to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding syndrome, but should it be done orally or intramuscularly? Many parents have asked themselves this question, always taking into account the benefit for the baby, seeing the pros and cons of each route.

Who has not chewed gum sometime in his life? And considering that, as it is, it must be consumed occasionally, we ask the question of whether it is harmful for children to chew gum. However, as always it is necessary to bet on a healthy and balanced diet, we have also talked about the possibility of using vegetables to accompany the snack of the kids, since many times we focus on the fruit as dessert for lunch and snack of the Children, forgetting about vegetables.

We have also talked to you about the recent presentation in Madrid of the Platform for Educational Freedom, a new movement that maintains that parents are the first and foremost responsible for the education of children and young people, making special recognition of homeschooling and flexieschooling as valid, legitimate and effective options to traditional education.

Finally, we have also brought you many suggestions for babies and children, which we have considered to be of your interest, such as The Adventures of Don Quixote: a classic for children in the Ipad, the presentation of the new Neon collection from Bugaboo, a service for renting and selling ceremonial clothing for babies and children by the hand of Celia Castro or the custom pacifiers and bottles of Suavinex.

And here the weekly summary of Highlights in Babies and more. Stay tuned that this week is loaded with new and interesting topics. Happy start of the week!

Video: TYT Weekly Highlights - April 30th, 2010 (July 2024).