Cleaning is necessary, but an obsession with using chemicals is harmful to the environment

It is not the first time we have commented that hygiene is healthy, but an excess of it can harm us. We did this when we shared information from Monica Salazar about household pollutants, and also when we talked about the consequences of excessive body hygiene in children.

As a mother, I care about nurturing, caring, accompanying and protecting my children, but that protection does not include that the floors shine until they look like mirrors or that the house smells like an air freshener. The chemical complexity of current cleaning products can make them harmful to the environment. Not so bicarbonate, vinegar and homemade soap that were used only 50 years ago.

This article of the Colla (something like "the group") environmentalist Carrasca de Alcoi (Alicante), is called 'Obsession for brightness', and I'm sorry because the link seems to be only in Catalan. Anyway I will summarize it a bit.

Obsession for cleaning

We live surrounded by chemicals that we use in our home (and that without counting on the usual detergents), such as insecticides, unblockers, etc. Many of them contain unnecessary substances that are incompatible with life..

Hazardous and special waste is complicated to treat unless facilities are available for that use, this is in our country because outside the borders environmental awareness is superior.

Therefore, among the options we have to reduce our impact on the natural environment when using these products, there are simple solutions such as depleting the containers completely before discarding them and using the minimum amount possible. We should also select what is really essential to have a clean house.

The detergents are a bit special because of the evolution of the “usual soap” a whole army of 'super, hyper, mega, plus' products with megabeads, ultraagent cleaning agents and active oxygen has emerged. One ends up wondering if the clothes fit in the drum after all that

Are there alternatives to turning our environment into toxic?

Of course, yes, after all my grandmother also lived in a house (I mean I am not talking about Prehistory) and had it perfectly clean and scented without using so many bottles with strange ingredients. An ideal situation would perhaps be to make a selection of what we need and complement it with natural products.

From this environmental group they tell us that phosphates are not essential to clean (and also contribute to deplete the oxygen of lakes and rivers). As usual detergent you can use flake soap.

Cleaning and flavoring the toilet with white vinegar and essential oils prevents us from using other much more dangerous substances.

It can be disinfected with a mixture of borax dissolved in water (the proportions are in the original article), we will use it on floors, walls, kitchen benches and sinks. I personally prefer baking soda, I think it's even more harmless.

Green soap for the oven, soda for the drains ... I think that if there is someone who has an interest in reducing the impact of some products, you can find out and try, it's all a matter of proposing it.

Cleanliness allows us to survive but can end up damaging our environment. The proliferation of cleaning products is such, and its composition so aggressive in some cases that a pleasant sensation of purity in our bath can be transformed into fish floating on the surface of a lake

I have proven the effectiveness of natural solutions although I have not completely dispensed with other industrial products. I feel calmer for the environment and for not having so many chemicals at home.

Video: The Dirty Truth About Toxic Cleaning Products (July 2024).