Colored trees: beautiful t-shirts and much more

Colored trees It is the project of a mother artist who has recently begun to take her first steps abroad and that has amazed me by her delicate beauty. Offer hand painted shirts and equally beautiful cloth bags.

The artist, Guayarmina, explains that she likes to always be in touch with nature, and that her inspiration comes from a walk to the countryside or the beach, from sitting next to a tree, these things fill her with energy and vitality and that He joins his love for playing, creating and imagining. With his work he nurtures that child we all carry inside.

He has always painted, but he wanted to start working and experimenting with painting on canvas, with colors, without any previous pattern and then he began painting on pieces of cloth that he had at home and to customize shirts of her children, her husband and friends and family.

All that personal experience gave way to "Arbolitos de Colores", a project full of life and color.

The Colored trees They are painted on t-shirts and bags, without patterns, completely personalized and unique, on 100% preferably organic cotton fabrics and with special fabric paints.

The prices of Colored trees, like the shirts, they are personalized since they depend on the size, if it is for adult or child and on the design. If you like them you can visit their page. I, of course, take note for when I have to make a truly special gift.

Official page | Colored Trees In Babies and more | Flower dresses… carnivorous, Frikillos: fun t-shirts for the little ones

Video: Simple trees and landscape painting, only 3 acrylic colors - blue, black & white - YOU CAN DO IT (July 2024).