Amazon also fights misinformation: withdraws pseudoscientific books and documentaries about vaccines and autism from its catalog

Although they have many advantages, One of the dangers we face today with the use of social networks is misinformation. We recently reported that Facebook had joined together to combat the dangerous myths and false information about vaccines, after the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) wrote them a letter asking them to stop the spread of anti-vaccine information.

Now Amazon, the online sales giant, has also teamed up to start taking action against false dissemination and anti-vaccines, by Remove books and documentaries that promote false theories and "cures" about autism from their catalog.

The dissemination of information issued by the anti-vaccine movement has become a real threat to global health, and in the United States they do not intend to cross their arms before a measles outbreak for which a state of emergency has already been declared in a county from New York.

In Babies and more Facebook joins to fight the anti-vaccine movement: it will punish those who disseminate false information about vaccines

To try to counteract the dissemination of anti-vaccine information, The AAP has decided to ask for support from social networks such as Facebook, Pinterest and Google, in order to eliminate false information about vaccines, as well as providing better tools for true and scientific support information to reach all people.

Now, recently it has been news that Amazon also joins to fight information against vaccines, to which they have been erroneously related to autism, although it has been proven more than once that there is no relationship between them.

In your case, they have begun to gradually withdraw some books that provide supposed cures for autism. Two of them were "Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism"(" Curing the symptoms known as autism ")"Fight Autism and Win"(and" Combat autism and win "), in which parents were suggested to treat their children's autism in a dangerous way, such as bathing them in a substance called chlorine dioxide, as well as other treatments without scientific bases such as milk of camel or electro shock therapy.

Similarly, a few weeks before he removed some anti-vaccine documentaries from his catalog at Amazon Prime, the online streaming service of movies and series offered by the company, such as the "Vaxxed", which is based on that famous "study" that linked vaccines with autism, and that later it was discovered that it was actually a fraud.

Although they are small measures and have not yet finished removing from their catalog other books that contain pseudoscientific information, no doubt It is a good start to start stopping the spread of false information about vaccines.

Video: 3 pieces of misinformation circulating about the Amazon fires (July 2024).