The best of 2011 in Babies and more

It has been another year in which we remain the first among baby blogs, according to the wikio ranking. It seems incredible that twelve months have passed, in which thanks to you we continue to grow day by day, reaching precisely this December our historical record with a million and a half page views.

With this positive balance of the year, we do some memory to offer you a summary of the best of 2011 in Babies and more, with the most outstanding contents that we have published in the blog throughout the year that we are about to say goodbye.

In 2011, we highlighted our Special on Child Feeding, which is still underway, in which we have given all kinds of advice related to healthy eating of the little ones. We have presented recipes for children that are very easy to make so that you can offer them delicious, healthy and attractive dishes, and so that you can involve the children in their preparation.

We have given general recommendations for healthy infant feeding and to prevent childhood obesity. We have talked, among other things, about some important aspects related to the feeding of the little ones, such as the food preferences of children and the importance of water in infant feeding.

We have also dealt with the Beauty of the pregnant woman, with advice on cosmetic creams, as well as the most recommended exercises, stretching and training of the future mom, so that she always feels beautiful and carries a healthy pregnancy.

We have talked in depth about childhood vaccines analyzing the vaccination situation and exposing what the different scientific organizations think about their effectiveness and need. We have also talked about the option of non-vaccination and how it affects others.

We have also dedicated a special section to homeopathy for babies and children with arguments and evidence about this alternative therapy to cure the ailments of children many parents turn to. We have commented on why it does not work, homeopathic medicines for babies, why homeopathic medicines are sold, and we have even made a homeopathic suicide on video to show that as the Ministry of Health finally concluded, homeopathy is a placebo.

How we love them family tripsWe have dedicated a section to Traveling with babies, in which we detail what we should carry when we travel with babies, the documentation, the medicine cabinet, and in addition to many other things, the vaccines necessary to travel with children.

We have also talked about the means of transport at the time of travel with babies and children: by plane, by cruise, by car and by train, as well as from the places to travel with babies and children: the beach, the city, the countryside and the mountains, staying in hotels and apartments or camping and rural houses . Always following the recommendations and good practices to travel with babies and children and adapting to their needs.

We have been giving Parenting guidelines in our maternity and paternity course, in which we give advice to raise children with love, controlling anger and understanding their needs.

This year we have released the new section of Answers in Babies and more, in which you can raise your questions, as well as answering the questions and voting the answers of other parents. It is a space where we can exchange advice, learn from others, get to know each other better and ask questions of experts.

Thanks to the incorporation of a speech therapist to our team we have been able to offer you specialized content about speech therapy, such as language acquisition, speech disorders, language disorders, hearing and everything related to the communication of the child and his environment.

Of course, we have talked a lot about the benefits of breastfeeding, as well as childbirth care, the importance of the emotional bond with the newborn and the raising of children. We touch on pediatrics and we have echoed a lot of scientific studies and news related to pregnancy, childbirth, babies and young children.

As to seasonal contents, we have talked about Summer and children and we have accompanied you one more year on Mother's and Father's Day.

We cannot forget at this time of our Christmas Special with recipes, crafts to do with the kids, guide for the purchase of recommended toys for each age, tips for buying toys and toto type of Christmas tips That will come in handy.

We take this opportunity to thank you for your company throughout this year that is already ending and we hope you will continue doing so for many more years.

Finally, and with this summary of The best of 2011 in Babies and more, We wish you Congratulations for next year 2012.

Video: New E-Trade Babies 262011 (June 2024).