Nine tips to get kids to eat everything

As parents, one of our many responsibilities is to ensure that our children have a complete, healthy and balanced diet according to their age. To do this, we must offer various food groups, which provide them with all the nutrients they need for healthy development.

But what if we have a picky son at home? It may not be so simple for them to eat certain foods. Therefore, we share you nine tips to get kids to eat everything.

Introduce a wide variety of foods from an early age

When you start complementary feeding after six months, try to include the greatest amount or variety of foods from the first months. In this way, your baby will begin to become familiar with different textures and flavors, and this will help her to have a greater willingness to try new and different foods.

Of course, it is important to remember that we must gradually introduce each new food gradually, taking care that they are appropriate for their age.

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Let them know and explore the food

Children are curious by nature, and during feeding, this curiosity is also very present. When introducing new foods, give him the opportunity to meet them in the best way for them: Let him touch them, smell them and taste them at his own pace.

Explain what each food serves / benefits for

How likely are you to consume something you don't know or know what it is? You would probably be a little reluctant to try it, right? So it can be for children when it comes to eating a new food and unknown to them.

To avoid this, tell them about the importance of good nutrition and Explain where their food comes from and what are the benefits they get from it., so that you know them a little better and have a better disposition to try them.

Do not press or force

Something very important that parents or those in charge of feeding children should remember is never to force them to eat something they do not want. This does not mean that we will let it happen and never offer it again, but sometimes it can happen that The more pressure we do, the less they will want it and the last thing we want is to cause an aversion to certain foods.

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Try another day

If the previous point happens, we will have to let some time pass, maybe a couple of days or a week and again we offer the food that was previously rejected. Sometimes, for one reason or another, Children may not be in the mood to try new things, so maybe trying again on another day we will have greater acceptance and openness from them.

Make it fun

We know that a great way to make children learn new things is to play, so why not do the same with food? If we do mealtime or try new foods a fun and exciting experience, children may be more excited and willing to eat what we propose.

Present them in a creative and attractive way

From the hand of the previous point, we can get a little creative and offer them food in a fun and attractive way, either making figurines or landscapes with vegetables, creating funny faces with different foods or, using dishes of your favorite characters.

Combine new foods with foods you like

Another way to encourage them to try foods that they do not know or are not to their liking, is combining them with those that are of their favorites. We can look for recipes that integrate both or serve them on the same plate using the advice of presenting them in a fun way, so that you see the whole dish as a set of what you like.

Set the example

And finally, let's remember the most important thing: children always look at us as their role model. Thus, it is up to us to set the example, showing them the importance of eating a food in which no food group is missing.

We hope that with these tips to get your children to eat everything it is easier for you to show you new foods and that you can enjoy a varied and healthy diet with your family.

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