Yogurts for babies: from when?

This is one of the most common questions in the consultation when we talk about complementary feeding. In many nurseries a dessert yogurt is offered on a regular basis. And many parents are eager to offer their babies "My first yogurt." These "first yogurts" are advertised as suitable from six months. Are they really ?. And, even if they are suitable, are they necessary?

Are there suitable yogurts from six months?

Yogurt is a food that is obtained from the fermentation of milk. In the case of the "first yogurts" they use continuation formula (which can be taken after six months), so effectively, They are suitable for babies from this age.

What are the differences between "My first yogurt" and the rest of yogurts?

We have already commented on the first one, they are made from a continuation formula, and not from cow's milk. But also, they carry many other ingredients.

While most of the natural natural yogurts that we find in the supermarket are composed only of fresh pasteurized milk, skimmed milk powder and lactic ferments, the "first yogurts" contain, in addition to continuation milk, another large amount of ingredients (starch of corn, vegetable oils, maltodextrins, mineral salts, vitamins, aromas, stabilizer, acidity correctors, Lactobacillus casei ...); definitely, they are ultraprocessed products.


Although they have recently reformulated "My first yogurt", decreasing their amount of sugar, most yogurts and dairy desserts aimed at children have a high concentration of sugars.

In Babies and more Even in baby and organic yogurts, the sugar content is very high

When can you have a normal yogurt?

In accordance with the recommendations of the ESPGHAN (European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition) cow's milk should not be introduced before the year of life as the main drink, it is a poor source of iron and provides too much protein, fat and calories if taken in large quantities.

However, yogurt and other dairy products (bechamel, cheese, butter ...) can be given in small amounts from 9-10 months of life.

Cow's milk should not be offered before the first year of life, but small amounts of yogurt and other dairy products can be given from 9-10 months of age.

Does a baby need to take yogurt after 6 months?

The reason to start the complementary feeding around six months is that the baby then begins to need some nutrients that milk can only provide. Therefore, yogurt, food derived from the fermentation of milk, can not meet this need either.

As we have said, the baby needs other nutrients besides milk, he needs to "supplement" his diet. If I introduce yogurt, I am moving, removing “space”, to other types of foods that the baby really needs.

And finally, remember that, although from 9-10 months babies can take small amounts of yogurt does not mean that they need to do it. A baby who continues to drink breast milk on demand and takes several shots a day does not usually need another milk supply; And one who takes formula needs between 280-500ml of milk a day, something to easily reach with its 2-3 bottles a day.

In Babies and more Up to twelve months or custard, or "petit suisses", or yogurts or "actimeles"

Natural or flavored yogurt?

natural. There is no doubt here. Flavored yogurts contain a lot of added sugars (in addition to many other ingredients). Just compare the labels of a natural yogurt and one of any flavor of the same brand.

Nutritional information of a natural yogurt Nutritional information of a flavor yogurt

A natural yogurt contains, as we have said previously, fresh pasteurized milk, skimmed milk powder (0.6%) and lactic ferments. If we look at the nutritional information, it has approximately 4g of sugars per 100g (naturally present, it does not carry added sugars)

On the other hand, the ingredients of a flavor yogurt, say strawberry, are much more numerous: skim milk, sugar, cream, jelly, lactic ferments, aroma and coloring; and if we look at its natural composition we see that it contains 12.5g of sugars per 100g, that is, that for yogurt, it contains 15.6g (a large part of those additives)

Flavored yogurts contain a lot of added sugars (around 10%).

And if you don't like plain yogurt?

All children (and adults) do not like the same foods, and they often do not like a food the first time they try it. We must continue to offer it (never force), because sometimes it is necessary to try a food 10-15 times until we like it.

Sometimes we offer the child sugary yogurt to eat. It is the same as with flavored yogurts, they contain a lot of added. We can mix yogurt with fruit to bring some sweetness.

Sugar yogurt nutritional composition

In any case, remember that Yogurt is not an essential food and that there are many other sources of calcium.

Video: Best Yogurt for Babies - When Can Babies Have Yogurt? How to Find the Best Baby Yogurt (May 2024).