"The boy who could be king", the film of a modern-day King Arthur who with 12 years fights bullying

Today opens in Spanish cinemas the new film by English director Joe Cornish, "The kid who would be king" ("The boy who could be king").

The last film of the 20th Century Fox is based on the teachings of Arthur and the knights of the round table, but The protagonist is not called Arturo, but Alex, and is a 12-year-old boy with problems at school. But his life changes when he meets the mythical Excalibur sword and has to save England from the evil sorceress Morgana.

An epic adventure with today's lessons

The knights of today are also 12 years old as the protagonist and they wear sports shoes and backpacks instead of the armor, but they are also brave and with the help of the magician Merlin (child and adult), they save the world in an epic adventure.

Joe Cornish's film Talk about issues as current as bullying or the division of a family after a divorce, "A film about King Arthur completely different from what we are used to seeing", says its protagonist, Louis Ashbourne Serkis to Efe.

And the director extrapolates the medieval legend to adapt it to the current moment, with lessons as important as honoring the people you love, being persevering, refrain from offending and always tell the truth.

In addition, the transformation Alex experiences when he meets the Excalibur sword is for the protagonist an example of "How an ordinary child can become a great leader and bring his friends and enemies together in the same schoolyard."

For all this the director assures that it is an history about "empowerment" for childrenWell, it shows that children "They are able to change and fix the disaster left by previous generations".

If you want to have fun and learn a lesson in children's goodness, I encourage you to go to see with your children this youthful comedy, whose idea was developed, according to its director, a few years ago, when he was twelve years old and he was fascinated by history of King Arthur and Excalibur, but the versions of the legend seemed to him "a bit boring".

He assures us that this will not be and will surprise children and adults. Here is the trailer as an advance.

Photos | 20th Century Fox

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