Good practices for using baby carriages on buses

Since it was allowed to get on buses in Madrid with the cart deployed, progress has been made in this regard. Without going any further, the Code of Good Practices for the use of baby carriages on buses from the community, in which the main recommendations are collected.

It is aimed at public transport companies, cart manufacturers and, of course, dads and moms. To prepare it, trials were conducted with 153 carts from 26 different manufacturers on different types of buses and in different driving conditions.

He code of good practice picks up that more than 300 buses have been installed fixed baby carrier chairs (from group 0 and 1) in the opposite direction to the march.

The baby carrier chairs are located in a special seat next to the space where the folded cart should be placed. This is the safest alternative for the baby, although juggling will have to be done so that a single person can get on the bus with the cart, place the baby in the chair and fold the cart.


If there are no baby car seats, baby carriages will travel deployed on the central platform in the opposite direction to the bus, with the handlebar resting on the lumbar support for wheelchairs in that area and with braked wheels. The child has to be tied with the harness of his seat.

With these good practices for using baby carriages on buses, the Community of Madrid aims to guarantee the safety of children on board, as well as the comfort of parents when they use public transport.

I do not use the bus, so it is best that those who use it often give their opinions. Do you think you travel comfortably in Madrid buses with baby carriages?

Video: Taking a bus with a stroller or pram #Australia #bus (July 2024).