Activity sheets for children: three years

For this summer we have prepared a booklet of fun activities To my three and a half year old daughter. In it, we mix photographs of us or his class, files to cut, to draw, to paint, hobbies, some little work that we had scattered ...

When looking for drawings to color we find a thousand and one resources, even by themes (animals to paint, Disney, summer ...). The activities with their first numbers and letters are also part of what they have begun to recognize during the course.

In the case of cutouts or psychomotor records, to review lines with your finger, with paints, or complete them with plasticine or paste, we also find on the Internet some resources to print, although more complicated to find.

Here we leave you one selection of printable activity sheets, suitable for the child's three years, some with our explanation and guidance, others very simple:

  • In Chips for children we find a section for three years, although in other categories we also find tabs suitable for this age.

  • Anaya leaves us authorized photocopiable material, with quality cards for coloring, of hobby (labyrinths, joining with arrows ...) or of psychomotor skills.

  • In Vedoque we find interesting and beautiful cards, with the first numbers: to review the one, locate and put stickers, from one to four ...

  • Interesting are also the graphomotor skills Play and color for three-year-olds, as well as attention and memory drawings.

  • A complete selection of chips by concepts (up-down ...), to cut out, puzzles, to paint with your fingers ... we find it in the children's bus, with many interesting materials.

  • Finally, we move to one of the classic resources for children, The Chocolate Egg, which leaves us activity sheets classified by theme, with some very interesting as those referred to the letters.

As you see the type of resources that are suitable for three years, you will learn to make them yourself in a simple way, and above all we learn to use our environment to continue stimulating children, playing with magazines, on excursions, on the beach ... They never stop learning and enjoying!

In addition, we remind you that after three years of age and after having done multiple activities during the school year, the child is already able to choose the activity that he likes best, so we can count on his collaboration when preparing our own booklet of activities.

Cut, paint, review, join, find differences, model with modeling clay, draw, make puzzles, build with mountable pieces ... are some of the tasks they perform with pleasure at these ages and that stimulate their imagination and psychomotor skills.

We hope this selection of activity sheets for three year olds I find it interesting and encourage you to build a fun little booklet for the little ones to enjoy in summer at those moments when they feel like sitting for a little while.