Frequently asked questions in the third trimester of pregnancy (II)

After several entries responding to Frequently asked questions during pregnancy Today we offer you the next installment with some more questions that may occur during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Why do I feel like painting the room and cleaning the house, if right now my belly is heavier?

Towards the end of pregnancy many women feel the need to clean the house (even thoroughly), paint, pick up or buy clothes. It is a phenomenon known as nest syndrome, which comes to make a kind of comparison between the mother bird that prepares the nest to lay the eggs and the human mother who prepares the “nest”, which is the house, for when it comes the baby.

Is there a problem to do it?

In principle no, if the mother feels that need and also notices a little extra energy for it, you can do what you feel you should do, unless the project is too ambitious and becomes excessively fatigued.

The size of the belly makes me feel uncomfortable, is there anything I can do?

The baby is very large now and occupies a lot of space in the abdomen, so it is difficult to try to avoid the discomfort that this may cause.

It is no longer possible to lie on your back because the baby's weight falls on the mother's large blood vessels and this causes dizziness and it may be that the pressure exerted by the baby bothers even in the ribs.

Ideally, look for those positions that bother less and use them. Sometimes, when the baby is turned and placed in a cephalic position (when it fits), the discomfort decreases.

Is it normal for me to miss air often?

Yes, because of the pressure exerted by the uterus on the diaphragm. When the baby increases in size, and with it the belly, it ends up oppressing the diaphragm and lungs, leaving less space for them to ventilate as usual. In resting conditions, the difference may not be noticed too much, but when making deeper inspirations, an increase in difficulty can be seen.

I have hemorrhoids…

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that appear in the anus that swell when the baby's weight presses the main veins of the pelvis (such as when we press an elongated balloon and enlarge the opposite end).

There are times when the cure for hemorrhoids is none other than giving birth. In any case, until that moment, Ideally, try to minimize its effects.

It is important to avoid constipation, as they may increase discomfort. You can apply some cream or ointment that soothes them, as well as local cold (ice wrapped in a towel) to try to deflate the area.

Why do I have hot red palms?

Because you have a plantar erythema, which is a reddening of the plants due to the increase of blood in the skin tissues. It is nothing serious and will disappear when the blood vessels return to function as they used to do before pregnancy.

And if there are still doubts

If there are still doubts, you can ask the questions through the new Answers section of the blog, where both editors and readers can offer their wisdom or experience.

To be continue…

In a few days we will offer you the third entry related to the questions in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Video: Third Trimester Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know (July 2024).