What do mothers want? (IV)

And still spinning around what mothers want that the society, considering a model in which their desires had room, came to the conclusion that we would have to look for formulas to achieve a maternal society, focused on raising the citizens of the future and focused on addressing their primary needs.

But, so that no one accuses me of utopia, let's talk about money, of costs and wealth. Well, a society that did not identify reconciliation with daycare would not, in any way, be more expensive.

A mothering society

A feminized, maternal societyFocusing on the upbringing and needs of children would be, I am sure, a happier society.

It should not imply mandatory for everyone, but yes freedom of choice real and a model in which it is not the production with system thought against children the priority objective, but a production of home and warmth, happiness and time for families.

Or is it that families, children, we no longer matter and we are only links in production, Egyptians destined to take the place in the construction of a pyramid that does not return wealth to us or steals the most precious time it is to see grow and care for our children?

But let's go to talk about money now. What the reconciliation model of real daycare centers costs.

Let's talk about money

But let's talk about money, the only form of wealth that seems to be understood. A nursery place is very expensive to maintain. The salary of the caretakers, of the administrative staff, of the cleaning and auxiliary staff, of the officials who organize and control them, electricity, water, heating, cleaning products, school supplies, maintenance of the premises, insurance, training, advertising, activities, soil, construction ... a lot, but that a lot of money is what it costs to have children in daycare.

In only the maintenance of a school place, the State spends more than 5000 euros per month. In a public nursery place I do not know specifically, but I remember Rosa Jové explained that she can leave for about 2000 euros a month.

I already want those 5000 euros that I don't use to be able to educate my son freely, but I give up on them so that others, those who need it, use them. But, if it really costs a nursery, even if it is half, how many moms would not stay at home if they could receive that money and also the social guarantees that caregivers outside the family receive?

The added costs of the nursery

The nursery also has many hidden, added costs. Children who go to daycare get sick, in general, more than those who are cared for in their homes and have more incidence of some diseases. Only that, in medical care, medicines, would be a monetary saving.

On top of that, we should add all those casualties requested by the mothers, sometimes lying saying that they are the ones who are bad, to be able to stay to take care of a sick child at home and not send him with a fever to the nursery, avoiding the spread of others .

In addition, as I had explained, the nursery is not the best option for the optimal development of children according to experts focused on parenting that respects children's needs, such as Eduardo Punset, Eulalia Torrás or Carlos González.

When it is calculated the wealth of a country only paid work is computed. That leaves a lot of real work, which women usually do taking care of their children or sick or elderly relatives, without computing. And that is also wealth and work, an invisible wealth, a despised job without which no society could go ahead.

Simply if instead of trying to build nurseries and deny the extension of maternity leave, that money was invested in helping families who wanted to take care of their children, we would lay the foundations of a society in which mothers would really be free from Decide what they want to do with their lives. Paying them what is paid to daycare centers. The great secret of concliación, the trick, the change of social and productive model that prevails the freedom and rights of children.

The slave mother

A woman who becomes a mother, and this implies 78% of European women of legal age, a very significant part of the democratic society, their way of seeing the world and their priorities take a huge turn and do not want to work on time complete while your children are small if they can choose.

If we cannot choose to stay with our children we are slaves, slaves of the work system and society that deny us the possibility of choosing, paying us for the most important work that exists: to train and care for our children, the citizens of the future, as they pay others for doing so.

Most mothers do not want the same as before, we do not want the same as before, I repeat, I repeat, I think it is something very clear, bad that despite the Minister of Labor, Badinter, and ideologues of a dematernized society, who want to convince us that being a mother is slavery and that we see our babies as objects to be delivered to the institutions.

All an ideological current is determined to deny us our right to choose, convincing us that wanting to spend more time with children is retrograde, anti-progressive, sexist or sickly, even trying to convince us that strangers are going to take better care of our babies than ourselves. That we are useless that we will harm our children if we do not separate from them when they are babies. The height of the absurd.

The free mother decides freely

Is not true. Mothers want to be with our childrenAt least a large part of mothers want to spend more time with their children. Some like it or not, respecting whoever wants to live differently, we also have the right to be heard. The free mother decides freely.

Even mothers who want to continue working full time are not mothers who want to separate from their children, they also need real reconciliation measures urgently: longer leave, aid, fiscal and social measures, day care centers near work, permits if the child It's bad, flexibility, freedom.

Even those who work full time want to be with their children longer and when they need them most. And of course I doubt that they consider that putting a newborn in the nursery is a desirable model or a way to respect the rights and needs of your child.

The partial conclusion would be that mothers want to be with our children and our children benefit from it. However, I will continue to deepen this topic, look for a way to adapt what mothers want to social reality.

Video: Ouchless IV Starts at St. Louis Children's Hospital (July 2024).