Highlights in Babies and more: from May 2 to 8

Like every Monday, we review the most prominent contents We have published in Babies and more during the last week.

After talking about the psychological aspects of natural abortions, we have gone deeper into the subject, which, although sad, is information that can help many couples overcome it. We have asked ourselves when a post-abortion psychological therapy is necessary and we have interviewed a woman who has suffered an abortion, who has told us that "before an abortion do not say anything you would not say if the person who died was the husband" .

As for practices that we have to have a good eye with children, we have known that baby yogurts are still not recommended, that taking a bottle after the year promotes obesity and we note the recommendations of the AEP on the use of the pacifier.

For pregnant women who are in the last phase of pregnancy we have prepared a list of frequently asked questions in the third trimester of pregnancy and we have talked about perineal shaving, one of the possible routine interventions in hospital delivery, we analyze whether it is necessary or not and risks that may entail. In case you are interested in the data, we have also talked about how much money it costs to give birth.

We have analyzed a fairly frequent situation with young children (and not so young), when the child is used as an excuse to say something to the parents, a habit of quite bad taste.

A new study relates prematurity to the attention deficit disorder, noting that the earlier the baby is born, the greater the risk of ADHD, while we have also dealt with how to prevent childhood dysphonia, a more common phenomenon than people think, giving some simple tips to prevent it.

In another order of things, we have offered practical information about procedures. What documents do we need to process the baby's ID and passport, following a question asked in Babies and more Answers.

We also announce a Special Travel with children that we are about to release. So, stay tuned so you can start planning your next family vacation.

In addition, we continue to receive questions in our new Answers section that you can access through the "Answers" tab that you will find in the header of the blog and ask the rest of the Babies parents community and more things like "what to do so that My child sleeps alone "o Nursery or grandparents: with whom to leave our children to school ?.

This week, we have prepared many more interesting things in Babies and more.

Video: Two Tornadoes - Colorado Highlights May 28, 2018 (July 2024).