Delicious spring fruits

We have already reviewed the autumn fruits, and now to continue to whet the appetite and learn more about these seasonal foods, let's see what are the delicious spring fruits, and not missing at our table.

While it is true that, today, we can find the same fruits almost all year round, it will be seasonal fruits that are most convenient for our table, our agencies and our pocket.

These fruits are usually cheaper because they are produced near our area, and they are also in their ideal moment of natural ripening and flavor. It is also likely that they have suffered fewer manipulations that may interfere with their interesting nutritional content.

In spring, the citrus fruits give their last blows and give way to strawberries, loquats, cherries, melon, apricot ... Some of these fruits will accompany us throughout the summer.

Spring fruits

  • Strawberry It is a fruit very rich in vitamins C, A and folic acid, and minerals such as iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium. Therefore, it is ideal as a cleanser and to strengthen bones, helping positively against fluid retention and to maintain healthy skin. Remember that the strawberry is part of the so-called red fruits, whose consumption is not recommended for babies under one year. Strawberry can produce allergic reactions, so there are even those who recommend waiting until 18 months to offer it to the child.
  • Loquat It is rich in potassium and sodium and has a very low caloric content. It is also antidiarrheal, diuretic, astringent and regulator of intestinal functions, and helps lower high cholesterol levels. It has a bittersweet taste, and for its nutritional properties it is recommended to the whole family, especially the little ones. It is a rich source of fiber, vitamin B2, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium ... Keep in mind that if it is not very mature it can be indigestible, and the taste more acidic than sweet will cause some children to reject it. Better wait for its just ripening point.
  • Although they will reach their best time in summer, we are already beginning to find quality melons in certain areas. The melon It contains vitamin A and E, a low caloric content and a large amount of water. It is a source of vitamin C and beta-carotene (in greater quantity in orange pulp melons), antioxidants that are involved in the improvement of the body's defense system, the formation of collagen, bones and teeth. The abundance of mineral salts gives it a very mineralizing value.
  • The cherries They help in cases of constipation, obesity, arthritis and arteriosclerosis. In addition, it is recommended in cases of rheumatism and different gastric disorders. Cherry is a fruit rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, in potassium and to a lesser extent in magnesium and calcium. To young children it must be offered without bone.
  • The apricots They are similar to peaches but smaller, and will be until the end of summer. Its skin acquires tones ranging from greenish yellow to red, through orange. The pink hue that the skin acquires indicates an excess of sweetness in the fruit. It is recommended to peel it for younger children because of the probability of allergy. It stands out for the abundance of fiber, which improves intestinal transit, and its content in provitamin A (beta-carotene), of antioxidant action. Its mineral content is rich in elements such as potassium and, to a lesser extent, in magnesium and calcium.

With these fruits we can make fruit salad, smoothies, juices, cakes ... and give you imagination to consume them in a thousand and one ways and make the fruit a healthy and fun food.

We can not forget the vegetables, as beans, peas, asparagus begin (the latter are recommended after 12 months of children for their tendency to accumulate nitrates), some species of mushrooms ... And little by little we can start to enjoy garlic, chives, new potatoes and the first green beans.

Don't you make your mouth water? There is less left for an entire explosion of colors and flavors to come with summer fruits. Peaches, apricots, nectarines, watermelons and plums are beginning to make their appearance, which will brighten the summer making the Macedonians more multicolored.

Now, we can only remember that the delicious spring fruits They can be consumed raw in natural (well washed or peeled), in the form of juices or smoothies and with varied recipes that will make them ideal for each moment.

Video: Spring Salad Recipe with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (July 2024).