Famous pregnant women: the cover of Mariah Carey

Demi Moore started the trend by showing herself naked, pregnant (and gorgeous) on the cover of a magazine. Many have followed in their wake after, with greater or lesser fortune, as singer Mariah Carey pregnant on this magazine cover.

Luckily those times when pregnant women covered their bellies with horrible swimsuits that "concealed" (to say something, rather turned them into strange tables soaked stretchers) have gone down in history.

The body of a pregnant woman can be the most beautiful, and to show the beautiful photographs of pregnancy that we brought you a few days ago.

The celebrities who point to this from the public photos of their bellies are increasingly, even those that are not made by professionals, but that their own experiments circulate on social networks like those of any mortal with time. Mariah Carey is naked and pregnant on the cover of Life & Style magazine, a publication in which he offers an interview about his pregnancy and future babies.

It does not seem that the photograph is recent, because the artist is about to give birth and a few days ago she showed on Twitter another "artistic" image of her belly decorated with paint and the volume of the belly almost doubles the one we see on the cover of the magazine.

Recall that Mariah Carey, 41, is pregnant with twins and with her husband the popular radio host Nick Cannon expects their babies for this spring. Little do we know about the little ones except that they are a boy and a girl, that they move a lot in mom's belly and that the boy looks like dad. Imaginative interpretation of ultrasound?

The cover of the singer Mariah Carey pregnant It will not go down in history as one of the most beautiful or aesthetically successful, but in any case to see a pregnant woman proudly showing her belly is a beautiful image.

Video: Mariah Carey's Kids CAN SING!!! Best Singing Moments (July 2024).